Chapter 2

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Skylar awoke in terror her twisted memory that took on the form of a nightmare her usual weekly torment, a sheen of cold sweat sat on her skin as her breathing started to return to normal and her impending panic attack subsided. Climbing out of bed Skylar walked into the bathroom and went straight for the shower wanting to rid her body of the remnants of her nightmare. The shower was warm and a welcomed change from her cold sticky skin, her brain wandered to the previous night's thoughts finally she came up with the solution to her problem. She settled on the thought that she would write Matt a letter as they left that way, she didn't need to explain why she was leaving face to face, and he wouldn't be able to talk her out of it. Yes, it was a bittersweet thought that they could be together but at the same time, she knew it wouldn't happen she was dangerous and wasn't a suitable Luna.

"Hey Sky, are you up?" her mom walked into the room clearly seeing the bed empty she left and closed the door. The cool air met her bare legs walking into the closet she grabbed her black skinny jeans and a blue and green plaid shirt once dressed she grabbed her black docs and walked downstairs to be welcomed by the sight of waffles the treat her mom made when she knew she'd had a nightmare.

"Thanks, mom, what are you up to today?" she asked her mom owned a small bookstore in town hence Skylar's love for books instead of people.

"Well I have an order of books coming in so I'm going to be reorganizing the fiction section, it seems to be the most popular just lately. Of course, I have my regular witch coming into collect the books I ordered for her." Alice's witch friend is quite fond of Skylar. however, Skylar just found it weird her mother's bookstore was called 'Alice hatter's book emporium' Skylar, of course, loved the Alice and wonderland books the weird and wonderful surroundings, the wacky people. To Skylar books were her escape the only way she gets out of her head, and into a new world. Obviously to her books were better than people, all except Matt, of course, he was the exception to that opinion.

Eating the waffles Skylar sat thinking about what she was going to write to Matt in the letter, her thoughts carried her away once she finished her food she looked at her phone she realized she had twenty minutes to get to school "Mom can you drop me off at school please?" she heard her mom shout yes from upstairs. The day's air was cold and bitter against her sensitive skin, she pulled her scarf close to her face and put her hands in her coat that only brought her a small amount of solace from the biting cold. Her mom drove her to school pulling up outside the building Skylar took off sprinting to get to her first period.

She walked into Mr Sikes science class he was writing on the backboard he turned slightly to face Skylar "have you done the homework Skylar?" he was expecting her to say no which wasn't unusual all of her teachers knew about her diagnosis meaning that they didn't give her detentions which was great of course everyone else thought it was favouritism.

"Actually, I did do my homework" he looked taken aback when she said this of course people started to file in, so he went back to writing on the blackboard. Skylar took her seat next to the window a few minutes after she felt someone tap her on her shoulder "Hey Matt" she looked over her shoulder and smiled at him noticing him passing her a coffee "thank you?" she questioned his motives.

His smile didn't meet his eyes meaning he was hiding something "it's to apologize in advance my parents aren't the best company to have, I don't see why your mom invited them there just going to ruin your meal so I thought I'd apologize beforehand" of course Skylar would disagree with him at least he had both of his parents she however only had her mom. Soon enough she had zoned in onto her work once she had completed her work, she went to the school library. The library was quiet as normal no one ever came in the librarian, seemed to like it she was accustom to Skylar being there because she had found it on her first day her own little piece of heaven. After twenty minutes the bell signalling the end of the first period rang.

The next few periods flew by and lunch rolled around Skylar took her lunch and sat on the roof, the sounds of people surrounded her but she felt safer away from all of the people yet in the centre of it all she couldn't stand talking to people her introverted side screamed at her every time she spoke to a new person it scared her and set her anxiety off to no end. Skylar's food looked unappealing, not because her mom was a bad cook but just because she was thinking about that blasted letter she had to write. Nothing seemed to sound right every time she wrote it in her head.

The next thing she knew she was being startled out of her thoughts by Matts's hand on her shoulder "Hey what's got you suck in your head?" he always knew when she was stuck in her head it was obvious because she would stare off into space and not blink for ages.

"Nothing just thinking about tomorrow" she lied no point in ruining the last two days she had with him.

"Uhuh, well my parents got you a present, obviously I told them they didn't have too but ya know when do they ever listen" he looked apologetic but when it came to Matts parents he was always apologizing they acted horrible towards people and Matt was the one who apologized for their entitled attitude. His mother was the worst of the two she never apologized for her actions no matter how bad they got.

"I get it, just make sure they behave the last time I tried helping you your mother was rude she insulted me in my own home" she couldn't forget how it made her feel no matter how much she cared for Matt his parents would be part of the deal and that was a deal-breaker. His parents would never approve of him and her being together it would take a miracle for them to accept them being mates.

They sat there silence wrapping around them Skylar finally started to eat her food once she was finished the bell rang signalling that lunch had finished Matt stood up and gave her a hand standing up, they walked together to their last period it was Math she hated that she loved it because it gave people another thing to make fun of her for. Matt is the only thing that stops them from speaking to her, that doesn't stop the looks and the notes they leave in her locker.

The lesson flew by and soon she was saying bye to Matt it took her forty minutes to get home, once in the house, she ran into the bathroom and showered grabbing some clean clothes and dressing. She jumped in her mom's car knowing that her mom was waiting for her.

The mall was humming with the sound of people Skylar was already anxious she felt sick, pushing down the bile that threatened to come up her throat. 

They walked into many stores whilst in the mall the last one Skylar had a good feeling about this one, looking at the racks of dresses, she spotted a burgundy dress that looked perfect. Skylar walked over to the dress not even looking at any other dresses in the store she grabbed it off the rack and went straight to the dressing rooms.

 Once she came out her mom's jaw dropped "let's get this one" she went and got changed out of the dress once she was done, she handed the dress to her mom and went outside the store waiting for her mother. 

Skylar's eyes wandered around the mall they landed on a couple, the male looked a little like Matt and the woman next to him was beautiful. Getting a closer look, she soon realized that it was Matt her chest hurt with the pain of seeing him with someone else she carried on watching but she wished she hadn't when he kissed the girl he was with. Her mom strolled out of the store with the dress in her hand "can we go now?" her mother nodded not understanding what had happened when she was in the store.

Upon arriving home Skylar jumped out of the car and ran straight to her room ignoring her mother who was shouting up to ask what was wrong, running to the bathroom she grabbed the sleeping pills in her cabinet popping two in her mouth she swallowed them. She wanted nothing more than to forget what she had seen at the mall, the anger and rage that Skylar felt was bubbling over but the pills were kicking in walking to her bed Skylar lay down the more she thought about Matt and the mystery woman the more pissed she became. Thoughts of Matt slipped away with her consciousness sleep welcomed her distracting her from her pain.

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