Chapter 13

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Alex had been sitting on her bed, to anyone who might come in they would think she was meditating which seems normal, however, she wasn't meditating. Alex was wandering around in her mind trying to find what was pulling her last time, it had been a week since she told the Alpha that she would take on the role of the next Alpha. It has taken everything for her to not have another panic attack and now she was looking for something that until two weeks ago she hadn't realized that there was still something missing.

In her head, It was much quieter since her revelation and seemingly a little bit brighter, but that didn't make finding what she was after any easier. It probably would have helped if she knew what she was looking for, just as the thought came to her, it dawned on her that she was sitting in her mind the last time.

She stopped searching and sat down, soon enough there was the feeling she was looking for. Allowing it to pull her she followed it letting it wash over her calm and claim her, suddenly a door appeared It looked old almost archaic there where binding runes engraved into the frame. Whatever was behind that door was powerful, she went to grab the handle only to realize that there was none.

 "things can't ever be easy can they" she mumbled, she stared at the door wondering how she could get into the room. Then it hit her runes only hold power if they are completed perfectly, taking the knife that was concealed in the small of her back, she dragged it through each of the runes until the magic stopped humming.

 The door swung open to show a room with an ornate chest sat in the middle, the box looked warn as if something had tried to escape. Sitting in front of the box, Alex contemplated opening but then the fact that it was held in a room guarded by runes made her think about it. Deciding that if it's in her head what was the worst that could happen, she gripped the knife in her hand firmly and reached for the lock that disintegrated once she touched it.

 Lifting the latch, she decided to open it slowly, the hinges creaked in disapproval from being opened. The box was open, but Alex couldn't bring herself to look in the box just yet. Finally finding the courage she needed she looked in the box to find a witch's talisman, it was a bejeweled headdress that looked almost crownlike. She picked it up and looked at it, confusion swept over her "why would I have a witch's talisman in my head?" just as she spoke the talisman turned to smoke and started to climb its way up her arm. She expected fear to grip her, but it didn't instead it was an excitement that filled her, the smoke made its way up her neck. Once there it disappeared, and her confusion came back in full force "what the hell?" as the question left her lips a surge of energy filled her with the sense of being complete filled her.

A knock at the door dragged her out of her head and back to reality "Yes?" she asked trying to keep the annoyance out of her voice.

"Alpha asked me to take you to training miss Alexia" a soft feminine voice sounded from the other side of the door, fear was rolling off the owner of said voice.

"You can come in" she spoke more softly hoping this would calm the clearly submissive wolf on the other side of the door.

The door opened there stood a girl with mousy blond hair and steel-gray eyes she was slim even for a wolf,  quite short standing at five foot three. "Hello, miss" she seemed to blush due to Alex's assessing gaze.

"Are you being fed enough you seem quite small for a wolf of your age" Alex's eyebrows furrowed in worry for the young she-wolf. She snapped out of her thoughts when she realized that she was in her underwear. "sorry I forgot I wasn't wearing any clothes" she apologized and got up to get dressed.

"that's okay miss I have brothers so believe me it is better than seeing them walking around after a night out" she chuckled at the She-wolfs statement knowing just how bad males were after a night out.

"so, may I ask what's your name?" the girl looked taken aback as if no one had ever asked her name before, furthering her suspicions that she was being bullied within the pack, this made Alex's blood boil at the thought of someone else going through what she went through in her last pack.

"I'm Effie miss" she liked the name it suited her, clearly her mother had named her, noting that she was part witch as well as a wolf.

"Lovely to meet you Effie and please call me Alex, there's no need to be scared of me. So, I'm going to assume that you'll be training to control your powers" shock covered Effie's face, Alex didn't know if it was that she told her not to be scared or that she knew she was part witch. Composing herself she nodded.

"Please follow me, Alex, I don't want to give James a reason to be mad" she started to walk out of the door, Alex knew what she was on about she had met James briefly when they were discussing what types of training she'd wanted to do. The walk to the pack training gym was short as it was just opposite the packhouse. They walked over to James he seemed to send me a glare telling me that I was late I just shrugged it off not caring.

"Sorry we're late James it was my fault I had to get dressed, so you're pairing me with the hot head twins?" they had discussed who her sparring partner would be but Alex liked the challenge of two opponents rather than one. He nodded and Alex walked towards to boy's spar circle. She observed them first, noting that Cole favored his left side and his brother his right. "Hey guys, James has paired me with you two" their heads snapped up and Michael dropped Cole out of a headlock. A thud was heard as Cole hit the floor Michael stood up brushing off the imaginary dirt.

"so we finally get to beat your ass at something then" he smirked, Alex just smirked back as Cole grabbed his brother from behind slamming him onto the ground pinning him firmly until he showed his neck in submission.

"Michael I don't see why you're saying we if anyone's going to put me on my ass it will be your brother" she chuckled as he pouted and look a little embarrassed that his brother bested him. "Even I know to never turn your back on your opponent unless you can anticipate their moves" her face was emotionless but her eyes were filled with amusement. " so come on boys I'll give you a free shot" they looked at each other and smirked "this is going to be easy," she said to herself, she walked in the middle of the circle allowing them to circle her knowing exactly what to do when they both charged at her, the last second she flipped out of the way and they collided with one another. "you okay there? Don't underestimate your opponent ever because being too cocky will get you killed" Michael stood up looking furious.

He took a fighting stance so did Cole, Cole came towards her trying to cage her in between him and his brother, but she predicted his moves before they happened. A fist was coming towards her just as she anticipated ducking again at the last second, causing it to hit Michael knocking him cleanout. 

She swept Coles's feet out from under him causing him to hit his head and disorientating him. "oh, come on Cole surely a warrior such as yourself can take out an inexperienced female like me" she was riling him up the more pissed he got the sloppier his fighting got. They circled one another she noted that they had an audience, and Michael had been moved from the circle leaving it to be just him and her. 

Cole tried to strike first, but this just landed him a punch to the stomach, next Alex went for the throat landing a well-placed blow in his windpipe. Cole struggled to breath using this to her advantage she put him in a chokehold it wasn't soon before he was tapping to be released signaling the end of the spar session.

"well Alex I don't see why you are training with the young pups seeing as you just put two of our best new recruits in the hospital for a day of two I'm putting you in with the seasoned warriors" Alex just smiled at James, seeing as she got what she wanted in the first place. "go home Alex and take a shower" she took her dismissal and walked towards the packhouse she had a small smile on her face as she walked to her room and a sense of empowerment filled her knowing that she would finally have a challenge. She stepped into the shower enjoying the feeling of the warm water. 

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