Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The discomfort and heat woke Skylar up she'd been asleep until the profound sweating started it made her uncomfortable, her nerve endings where on fire the sheets felt like a thousand needles digging into her skin "MOM" she screamed she could hear footsteps coming down the hall her door swung open.

"Oh god Skylar, shit come on we need to get the supplies" Alice ran out of the room all Skylar could hear was slamming doors, soon her mom returned with a duffle bag that was clearly full of medical supplies. Her mom touched her arm and Skylar screamed at the contact "shit your bleeding already we need to get you outside now Skylar" she places her hands gently on her again she guided Skylar to the back garden.

Once they got there Skylar threw up the discomfort from the heat and pain making it impossible to keep the contents of her stomach down. The heat started to die down but the pain intensifies it feels as if her blood it boiling, Alice lay the blankets down seemingly in a nick of time when Skylar's screams intensified Alice grabbed an injection of adrenaline jabbing it into Skylar's neck the adrenaline helped the pain but soon the relief was short-lived as her hand broke her hand was disfigured one look at her hand made her throw up. "I know Honey, I know It hurts but you can do this you are strong" her mom spoke words of encouragement in hopes of reducing the pain.

It felt like eternity the pain that Skylar was experiencing kept repeating like a broken record coming in waves first her left hand broke next it was her right arm the bone broke forming her front leg her skin was bleeding from her fur trying to push through her skin, next to break was her left leg if she though the pain from her arm was bad this was far worse, so bad that black dots had started to form in her vision she had been crying since the shift had started but her tear ducts felt as if they were on fire. Skylar felt like she was dying she wished she would "mom please kill me it hurts too much I can't do this please just stop the pain" she felt something stab her in the chest.

"I will do no such thing, Skylar you will stay with me!" she shouted as she injected another shot of adrenaline into her chest. Skylar's bones snapped and reshaped themselves, soon the snapping of her bones stopped and last to come was her fur it felt as if her skin was ripping apart, the feeling of needles turned into spikes the pain grew even more intense if that was at all possible. Finally, the pain stopped Skylar just wanted to sleep, but something told her to hold off she opened her eyes and saw her mother's tear-stained face smiling at her "Oh honey you look beautiful" her hand hovered over Skylar's head knowing she would be sore still.

Skylar stood on shaky paws, she walked around getting used to her new legs stumbling a few times once she got used to it she looked at her mother expectantly waiting for her to shift she wanted to run, needing to get used to her new legs and wanting to feed the beast that seemed to be starving. Her mother soon got the message she shifted on the spot not caring about the clothes she shredded. Skylar took off in the direction of the woods, her mother was close behind playfully nipping at her heels, soon the sweet smell of rabbit came across both wolves noses they came to a halt they slowly stalked towards the scent there sat two rabbits without even thinking Skylar pounced on the rabbit closest to her soon devouring it the second her mouth was around its neck.

The sound of running water made Skylar's ears perk up, she followed the sound until she came to a stream looking in the water she took in her appearance her fur was the darkest shade of black, her eyes shone like red orbs she looked beautiful. Exhaustion swept over Skylar she turned around and hightailed it back home once the house was in view fur receded and she collapsed to the floor. "Come on you let's get you to bed" Skylar slowly made her way to bed the second she was in bed she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Waking up the next day, every part of her was sore even her eyes hurt she grabbed her sunglasses from her bedside table just where she'd left them the night before, it reduced the pain in her head. Getting out of bed she headed for the bathroom and decided a bath might be what her muscles need running the cold water she waited for the tub to be half full before climbing in her muscles screamed at the cold but soon they adjusted the cold was soothing the pain reduced at the tub continued to fill. After an hour she decided it might be time to get out, climbing out of the tub she grabbed her robe and walked downstairs. The smell of food made her stomach hurt from hunger but she stopped in her tracks when she noticed that it wasn't her mother who was cooking but Matt instead, his body stilled as he realized that I walked into the room "hey do you want food?" he didn't even need her to answer when her stomach answered for her. This made Matt laugh as he carried on cooking Skylar stood staring at his back the visions of what she had seen the day before filled her head.

She decided to put it out of her mind and sat at the dining table, then her body started craving coffee thankfully there was coffee already made she grabbed a mug and poured the delicious liquid into the cup savoring the smell that would hopefully keep her awake long enough to eat then go back bed. Matt placed the food infront of her she ate slowly not wanting to upset her stomach and be sick again. Once she was finished, she slowly stood up and took her plate in the sink "you know I could have done that right?" Matt sounded annoyed not paying attention Skylar walked off upstairs and jumped back in bed.

She heard her door close "what on goddesses green Earth do you want Matthew?" the annoyance evident in her voice.

"I was worried about you, your mom called saying something didn't seem quite right. With your shift I mean she said It went on longer like your wolf didn't want to come out?" this wasn't news to her; she knew exactly why her wolf didn't want to come out it was because of him.

"I found my mate, but he is already seeing someone" she stated he growled she just shook it off knowing that she needed to tell him soon, but she decided to leave it until the dinner later. "can you leave me alone please I want to sleep "he didn't seem happy but obliged and left her alone to her thoughts.

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