Chapter 8

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The first week in the new pack was boring the only excitement Alex had was helping her mother set up her new bookstore and her conversations with Alec. Today she'd been asked to go to the Alpha's office to discuss her integration into the pack. Stepping out of the shower Alex quickly got dressed wanting to talk to the Alpha about her second transition. The next transition she was to go through needed to be overseen by a supernatural doctor which the pack would have a specialist in all fields seeing as the pack was to cater for hybrids. Her body was restless knowing that it would have to go through even more pain in order for her to be at her full power. The  house was quiet seeing as everyone else was out training, not that she knew anyone aside from Alec, Michael, and Cole.

Standing outside the Alpha's office she could feel the dull vibrations of his power radiating from him without opening the door, her knock was swift yet loud enough for Dave to hear. She stood calmly waiting for permission to enter "Come on in Alex" she heard through the door. The first thing she noticed was that the Alpha looked tired, telltale signs of bags were forming under his eyes.

"You wanted to see me Alpha" she kept her head bowed showing him respect not wanting to butt heads with the Alpha today with the sensitive information she would be discussing with him today.

"Yes Alex, I wanted to know when you wanted to start training with the pack?" this didn't surprise her, she was hoping to start training the day after she got there.

"Well, before we discuss that I was hoping to speak to you about my second transition" the Alpha's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion clearly not understanding why "My second transition is more difficult than the first because it has to be initiated by another vampire" she stated her endless hours of research on hybrids and their counterparts paying off. However, the Alpha still looked baffled "to clarify I need to be turned by a vampire to unlock my other counterpart" the idea of being bitten by a vampire no longer making her uncomfortable, unlike the Alpha who looked as if he had just paled by seven shades.

"Ah, um okay lucky for you our pack doctor is a vampire." This was news to her she imagined a werewolf or witch taking that role but it comforted her knowing that there were people who would understand her through her problems as a vampire. "May I ask how you know so much when it comes to hybrids?"

"well as you know my mother is a bookstore owner, so she was able to get her hands on the information I needed, as well as contacting the council for any information they were able to give me on the subject." Dave was stunned to silence his mouth opened twice as if he wanted to ask something. "Also did you know that hybrids have more than one mate?" Dave shook his head in disbelief.

"You sure are young to be a specialist on such a wide subject Alex" he seemed shocked by her knowledge, and another emotion was present just one that she couldn't decipher.

"I'm not a specialist on the whole subject just the areas I needed to know." She stated not liking the idea of people calling her a specialist, she just knew what she needed and the whole mate thing was just something that was in every book. "Would it be possible to speak with your pack doctor; they will know more on the topic and I need someone who knows what they are doing" The Alpha's eyes glazed over telling Alex that he was mind linking someone.

"He'll meet you at your room I gathered that you'd want privacy" Alex nodded saying thanks she walked out of the office and towards her room.

There was a middle-aged man stood waiting for her when she got to her room "you must be the good doctor, hi I'm Alex" she shook the man's hand it was cold much like Alec's hand had been the first night they met. The cold had meant that he needed to feed.

"Yes, I'm Doctor Michaels, the Alpha informed me you require my assistance with a rather personal matter, shall we." He gestured for her to open her door. Stepping into her room she felt uneasy as the thought set in that she would fully be a hybrid. "So, what can I do for you today Alex?" clearly the Alpha hadn't divulged the information she had told him.

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