Chapter 7

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Alex woke up, looking at the time she noticed she had half an hour to get ready. Getting out of bed she grabbed her dress and hung it up, she started putting on her make-up on once she was finished it was time to put her hair up. Once she was ready, she grabbed her dress and pulled it on, she had fifteen minutes left she walked downstairs and there were whistles from behind her "you look stunning" Michael and Cole stood staring at her.

She snapped her fingers "hey earth to morons, my eyes are up here." She said pointing to her face. The boy's eyes soon snapped up to hers, she said bye to the boys and walked to the kitchen where the Luna was "can I help with anything?" she scared Ash accidentally.

"yes, can you just grab that bowl of vegetables for me please and take them through to the dining room" She grabbed the bowl Ash pointed to and took it through to the dining room, there stood her mother and Alpha David, they seemed to be In a rather heated discussion before they noticed her and stopped abruptly. They smiled at her, giving her a feeling, they were talking about her.

"Ash will be through in a second, also mom my bed is so comfy." This eased the tension in the room her mom just shook her head, "the room is amazing I swear I might just stock up my fridge, go on a reading binge".

"You will do no such thing, now sit down before I hit you up the side of the head" her mother threatened lightly, sitting at the table she decided to not ask what her mother and the Alpha was talking about. Luna Ash came in holding two more plates, placing them on the table she brushed her hands on her clothes walking over to her husband Ash kissed the Alpha on his cheek.

"Alex you look lovely dear red is most certainly your color," she said dusting of the flour from her grey pantsuit. "How are you Settling into your room?" she asked as sat next to her husband.

"well its perfect, the bed is so comfy. Also thank you for the shelves full of books, I am going to binge read those in the next three weeks." Ash smiled at her "will your son be joining us?" she asked curious to meet the person living next to her.

"Yes, he will I'm surprised he's not here yet." She seems to be lost in thought before shaking herself out of it, "well let's eat then shall we" Alex served herself small portions of everything not wanting to push herself too much "so Alex will you be attending the local high school here?" Ash asked her.

"Um no, actually I graduated five days ago, so I'll be attending the local university instead," She told her, thinking that she needed to check her application.

"Oh, I didn't realize that you had graduated, what are you going to study?" Alex had put a lot of thought into what she wanted to study, she decided that she wanted to help her mother with running a bookstore.

"yeah, I've applied for their business school so I can help mom with her bookstore and a minor in leadership so I can take a job elsewhere as well" Ash's face held admiration once she heard her reason for wanting to go to university.

The room suddenly came to a halt when male figure appeared at the door "sorry for being late mother, my alarm didn't go off, would have something to do with the fact that I've broken the stupid thing again" he stood at the impressive six foot two with gorgeous silver hair and stunning sea-green eyes. His suit outlined his frame perfectly leaving nothing to the imagination.

"Alec that's the fifth one this month I swear if you break another I will break you" she gave him such a cold glare that Alec paled more if that was even possible at all for a vampire, he just nodded. " Right now, that's done, Alec this is Alexia and Alice they are new members of our pack and Alice is an old friend of the family"

"Hello, lovely to meet you both" he looked at her mother, then over to her and his stare lingered for a minute before he looked back over to his parents. the calm conversation took over the table as everyone became properly acquainted with one another.

"So, Alec have you graduated school yet?" Alex asked as her curiosity overtook her.

"yes and no I graduate formally in a week, but I've finished school" he said calmly answering her question.

"Alex here is applying to the local university, so you'll both be attending the same school Alec" his mother told him seeming to be happy by the information she had told her son. "So, Alex have you found your mate?" Alex stopped eating suddenly feeling uncomfortable. My mother sensed her distress and spoke up.

"um, I don't think Alex is comfortable with the subject of mates right now...." Alex held her hand up stopping her mother.

"Yes, I have but he was betrothed to an Alphas daughter, so he rejected me" she said her appetite soon lost with her good mood. "excuse me, I need some fresh air" without waiting to be excused she walked through to the kitchen and straight out the back door. 

The cold Canadian air hit her body, ignoring the bites of the air she walked further into the forest needing the solace of her own company. Once she was far enough from the house, she sat on the moss covered floor and let her mind wander to her lost mate and the pain of lost and the painfully happy memories that they had together flashed through her head like a slideshow. 

Through all her thoughts she hadn't released that she had started crying until she let out a heart wrenching sob that echoed through the forest. A branch snapping brought her out of her many painful thoughts, her head snapped up and she came face to face with Alec. "What are you doing here?" she snapped feeling as though her right to be alone had been violated.

"I just came to see if you were okay and say sorry my mother doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut , and apologize to hear that your mate rejected you I know how it feels to be rejected by someone that's supposed to love you unconditionally" she just sat there, her anger bubbled he had no right to apologize for something that wasn't his fault.

"I'm fine and you have no right to apologize for someone else" she got up and walked back to the house ignoring the eyes that lingered on her back that wished to say something else. The house was loud with an argument that was coming from the dining room, Alex debated going back in thinking that she should at least say thank you for the food. 

Walking back into the dining room it went quiet as she took her seat next to her mother, picking at her food the conversation was tense, "okay guys there is absolutely no reason for you to tiptoe round me I'm not a child I'm not going to have a tantrum" this seemed to lessen the tension in the room and soon enough the room was buzzing with light conversation again. Alec had snuck back in halfway through the Luna and Alice discussing her bookstore. The food soon had disappeared, and Alex was helping Ash to clear away.

"Right I'm off to bed night guys" leaving the room she noticed she had a shadow following her unlocking her room she turned to meet Alec's questioning gaze "yes Alec?" she questioned, "is there a particular reason you are following me?"

"If you ever need someone to talk to about anything, I just wanted you to know that you can come to me I'm a very good listener" she didn't know how to respond so she nodded. Closing her rooms door, she walked into the bathroom deciding a shower might help wash away her thoughts.

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