Chapter 4

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The dress she chose hung just above her knees she chose to pair it with a pair of nude flats heels weren't going to happen tonight. Skylar had put her hair in a messy bun and light make-up, walking downstairs she saw her mom looking frantically "mom you okay?" she asked her mother looked panicked.

"yeah I'm just looking for you present" she stood and watched her fiddle around a little bit more "aha" she shouted as she held up a small rectangular box "come on we better get going, we don't want to keep the Alpha's waiting do we" the night air bit into her skin that was still sensitive from her first shift. The car warmed up quickly the bite of the cold air was soon forgotten and anxiety set in her stomach, socializing was never Skylar's strong suit if it was up to her she would be enjoying the company of her favorite characters in one of the many books she owned.

The drive to the restaurant made Skylar even more anxious, the lack of conversation meant that she could think about tonight and see a hundred different ways that it would end in disaster. The car pulled up outside the restaurant meaning Skylar's brain went in overdrive she still hadn't told her mom that Matt was her mate, but it didn't matter she was leaving tomorrow.

Upon entering Skylar walked over to the table recognizing Matt's scent, she stopped admiring him in a suit, his parents turned around and smiled at her "Skylar how lovely to see you dear" his mother spoke her whole body was stiff. Instantly Skylar knew this wasn't going to be a good night but sucked it up knowing her mother wanted her to enjoy tonight.

"Vivian, James thank you for coming" Skylar smiled hoping to appease them with pleasantries Vivian visibly relaxed maybe tonight won't be so bad she thought to herself. The evening started off quite well no arguments had broken out yet. however, Matt was yet to acknowledge her presence. It was clear by his tense shoulders that he knew what she had been hiding for months, "so how's everything going with the Alpha transition?" she asked directing the question towards James but catching the attention of Matt too.

"Good the ceremony is scheduled for a month tomorrow, of course, Matt has been taking the role from me bit by bit" this topic made Matt tense and she knew it, but he'd ignored her since she arrived. "And the Luna ceremony is being held the same day" this caused pain to shoot into her chest knowing that it wasn't her they were on about.

"if you'll just excuse me, I need some fresh air" without waiting for a response she walked outside and stood near the smokers stand letting her mind race about what she'd just heard. Her mother came in search of her daughter knowing something was wrong.

"Hey Sky, are you going to tell me what that was all about?" her mother looked at her knowing there was no other option she decided to tell her.

"Matt's my mate and he's seeing someone else." It all came out so fast that she hoped her mom had herd her.

"That piece of shit how fucking dare he" her mother went on a rant about how horrible he was this caused Skylar to laugh. "come on let's get back in there and tomorrow we can leave without a problem I'll even let you do the honors this time around." They walked back into the restaurant and acted as if nothing was wrong the rest of the night flew by and it was coming to the end of the meal. Everyone handed her their presents, opening the one from her mother first it was a necklace "it was your grandmothers she wanted me to give it to you when you turned eighteen" it was a gorgeous ornate necklace that had seen many lives but she loved it. Next was the one from Matt opening it she found it was some books, but not any old books.

"you got me the first editions of Alice in wonderland, thank you" she couldn't help the smile that graced her lips. Finally, it was Matt's parents opening the box it was a key. "I'm really confused" his parents gestured me to follow them walking out they stopped right beside a gorgeous bike "this is mine?" they nodded she stood there confused as hell seeing as she didn't have her motorcycle license yet "how did you know I was going in for my test?" they looked over at Matt. "thank you, but it's really expensive are you sure?"

"We wouldn't have brought it if we weren't sure now would we!" they stated they were completely right they did everything for a reason. The night ended and we were all going home.

"Mom can you wait for me I need to speak to Matt." She nodded clearly still pissed about the bike "Hey" she pulled his arm to get his attention "can we talk?" looking at his parents he told them he'd be a few minutes walking was from them we stood at the entrance of the forest "so are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?" she asked knowing he won't talk about it unless she started the conversation.

"how long have you known we were mates Sky?" she didn't think he'd be so blunt about it.

"Six months there about just after you shifted, I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would reject me. That and I know your seeing someone else I saw you yesterday with her" his face visibly paled when she told him that she'd seen them.

"it's not what you think" she knew his parents had most likely set it up.

"Sure so it's not that your parents have set you up with someone and you engaged to her, knowing my luck she's probably some rich Alphas daughter am I wrong" by the seam of it she got every detail right . "Okay then, goodnight Matthew" she walked away and got into her moms' car "let's go mom" as soon as the restaurant was out of sight tears rolled down Skylar cheeks as the pain of knowing her mate wasn't even hers.

Once they got home Skylar got the large duffle bag out of her closet and packed her clothes and books. She changed out of the dress and into her biker leathers that she was saving for her test. Walking downstairs her mom was waiting for her ready for her she threw the duffle at the mom and went to the kitchen where they had stockpiled turpentine for the last few weeks. 

She started in the kitchen and worked her way around the house until every part of it was covered, she walked to the front door and dropped her lighter and walked to her bike. 

The house went up in a blaze and with it her old life grabbing the helmet that was sat on her handlebars she put it on and rode to catch up with her mother leaving the pain and sadness behind with the burning house.

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