Chapter 1

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The pounding of her heart was the only other thing she could hear aside from her own constant reassurance "come on you can do this Skylar". She kept repeating it like a mantra as if it would save her, but It did nothing for her anxiety. Soon enough a warm hand engulfed hers and she was pulled out of her head and back into the real world. Following the hand that had captured hers, it led to her best friend, "Hey Matt" she tried to ignore the feeling she got when he was close to her.

"Hey, I've been calling you for the past ten minutes" he seemed annoyed, his posture was tense and angry different from his usual calm slouching. He stood at his full height of six foot four, his ginger hair swept slightly over his left eye it was getting too long again. "have you taken your meds today?" he moved his hand through his hair to move it out of his face.

She thought about telling him the truth but knew he would only get mad if she did "of course I took my meds do I look like an idiot?" she lied, she hated lying but I was better than him worrying about her. The bell rang signalling the last period of the day and only two more days until graduation. "So, what are you doing after graduation?" she already knew the answer, but she hoped it had changed since the last time they had spoken about it.

He seemed to play with his hands and his posture tensed further if it was even possible "well dad says he's stepping down as alpha meaning it's my turn, but I don't think I'm ready" he looked so helpless he never wanted to be alpha, it was meant to be his brothers position but since the incident, he can't be alpha so it falls to Matt.

Walking out of the school Skylar started off in the direction of her house not even getting two minutes away a horn honking drew her attention to a car pulling up next to her the window rolled down and Matt was signalling for her to get in the car "so how does movies at mine sound and I can drop you off home later?" Skylar pondered the offer thinking of all the things she could do if she just went home.

Finally, she came up with nothing "sure, sounds great so long as you have Cheetos in" Matt smiled and it took everything for Skylar to not smile back, his smiles were contagious just one could have you smiling for hours. The drive to his house was short, so short she didn't see why he drove to school. Pulling into the driveway the two-story house came into view, once the car came to a stop Matt got out and started to walk around to the other side of his car but before he could open the door Skylar jumped out of the car and raced to the front door. Skylar used the key to unlock the door, the Alpha and Luna had given it to her when she came around every day and was practically living there for a year and a half while her mom worked ridiculous hours at the local hospital.

Walking into the kitchen Skylar went to the cupboard that held the heavenly goodness that is flaming hot Cheetos she grabbed a big bag and walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a can of coke zero. Leaving the kitchen, she jumped over the back of the sofa and grabbed the tv remote, soon enough Matt came and joined her "so what do you want to watch?" she asked already knowing the answer to the question.

He acted as if he was thinking but then burst out laughing not being able to act seriously "why bother asking when you know what I'm gonna say?" shrugging Skylar pressed play and Brooklyn nine-nine started playing. Five episodes in one bag of Cheetos and two cans of coke later Skylar's phone rang looking at the caller ID it was her mom she sent her a text and stood up.

Throwing a pillow at Matt he soon woke up "oi I need to go home" he grumbled something unintelligible and stood up and they both started to walk to his car. The ride back to Skylar's house was quiet mainly because they were both tired, around half an hour later they reached their destination "thanks Matt see you tomorrow" Skylar called out to Matt she sleepily walked up to her front door and opened it knowing that her mom left it open for her.

Upon entering the house, the smell of food swam in the air "I'm home mom" she shouted whilst walking to the kitchen where she assumed her mother was. On the table was lasagna the sight of it made her salivate just as she thought it couldn't get any better he mom placed garlic bread on the table "mom can I marry your cooking" her mom just laughed and shook her head.

"No, I'm afraid not, so I invited Matt and his parents to your birthday meal" once she said this Skylar's food stopped midway in shock.

"You did what now? Why mom I didn't want to have it in the first place" Skylar's anger bubbled as thoughts of the move that would be happening in two weeks popped into her head. "You haven't told them have you" she all but growled out trying to contain her anger, her fists were white, and her nails were drawing blood.

"Of course, not it's not my place to tell Matt, I'm leaving that to you" after hearing this Skylar had lost her appetite she pushed her plate away from her and ran to her room, slamming her door closed she let out an enraged scream and fell to the floor and the cream soon turned into body racking sobs. Once her sobs had died down, she pulled herself up off the floor and decided to have a shower. The pipes rattled as the water rushed through them Skylar walked over to the mirror looking at herself she noticed her eyes where bloodshot making my the red of her irises stand out her skin was pale thanks to her ginger hair "great I look sick" she looked away from her reflection and got into the shower.

Whilst being in the shower she pondered how she could tell Matt that she was moving knowing that he Wouldn't take it well once he found out the secret, she had been keeping for the past six months. Nothing seemed good enough, but she couldn't just leave without telling him, could she? The thought lingered in the air like a bad smell that wouldn't go away, stepping out of the shower Skylar grabbed an oversized t-shirt and some shorts deciding that she would complete her homework and go to bed.

Once her homework was done there was a knock at her door "yeah?" she knew it was her mom coming to check in on her. The door opened and she stood there looking at her daughter.

"We don't have to move if you don't want to, it's just that it will be better for you in this new pack" she knew her mother was right but at the same time, it meant leaving her mate behind, of course, Matt wasn't aware that they were mates and he wouldn't be until the day before they left.

"No we need to, I'm far too dangerous to be left in the hands of a normal pack" her mother was unaware of the fact that she had already found her mate, " right time for bed I think" she hugged her mom and turning the desk lamp off and jumped into her double bed and sinking into the comfort of her mattress the days stress fading away with her consciousness, soon enough she was asleep.

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