Chapter 11

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The bath had gone cold long before the banging on her door had stopped, but the cold didn't bother her, as a matter of fact, it calmed her. It allowed her to stop and think about the last few weeks, she laughed thinking about how in such a short amount of time her life had altered. Her thoughts were interrupted by Alec walking into the bathroom, thankfully she opted for bath milk instead of her usual salts "There was a reason for my door being locked Alec" she stated not even looking at him but turning on the hot water to warm the bath again.

"Yeah well, I'm sorry but I was sleeping until our mothers came and bugged be for a solid hour and a half" he wasn't mad she could tell by the smile that was pulling at the corner of his lips. Alex looked at her mate who seemed to be trying to sneak glances at her, he was failing miserably Alex stood up out of the bath knowing exactly how he'd react "Alex as much as I love seeing you naked please cover yourself up." She just chuckled at his response and grabbed the robe that was on the back of the door.

"Aww poor Alec having trouble controlling yourself" she teased sending a wink over her shoulder, she walked to her closet knowing that she'd better get dressed. Alec was stood behind her, yet Alex acted as if she hadn't noticed and slid her robe off and bent down knowing full well that Alec was struggling to control himself behind her. All Alex heard was her bedroom door slamming closed before she let out a small chuckle knowing that he was going to be in his room a while, "serves him right for walking in my room and interrupting my bath" she thought out loud. Once she was dressed, she went downstairs where the Luna was making dinner.

"What did you do to Alec I don't think I've ever seen him be that grumpy in his life" she seemed amused, meaning she had an inkling of what she had done.

"Oh, you know the usual a healthy dose of torture as payback for interrupting my bath" the Luna just laughed clearly knowing what she was on about.

"fair enough I've had to get my own back on Dave once or twice so I approve, that and that boy needs someone knocking him down a peg or two when it comes to his ego" Alex just nodded, thinking that her mate's ego wasn't the one they had to worry about.

"I would ask if you want any help, but I always feel like I'm giving you more work so I'm going to go pester Dave." She said as she slowly backed out of the kitchen and walked into the sitting room where the Alpha was playing Forza looking very confused and angry whilst at it. "You okay Alpha?" she asked.

"No, I can't figure this game out how the hell do I drive?" he growled a clear sign that he was losing his temper. Alex sat on the loveseat furthest away from the Alpha not wanting his anger to be directed at her.

"if you want I can show you which controls to use" she offered knowing he was close to breaking her controller, noting that she needed to remember to take the thing upstairs.

"Sure, I'm useless at games they just stress me out more" he grumbled whilst holding the controller out for her to take.

"right this one is to accelerate, this to reverse and this is to turn," she said as she showed him the basic buttons and switching the settings on easy, she handed him the controller back. The first six attempts had him crashing into everything, it made her think of her first time walking in her wolf form.

"I think I've got it now, thank you Alex" she just chuckled as he seemed to crash for the twentieth time. "so, you and my son are mates then?" Alex just nodded not knowing what to say and blushing as she just remembered the striptease, she did in front of Alec. The Alpha put the controller down and turned to face her, "I'm glad Alec finally found his mate, me and Ash were starting to get worried that he wouldn't and If he did that she reject him because of the pack" Alex understood this because of his parents and the fact that he lives with hybrids he would have been shunned by a vampire or wolf.

"Well, I had no intention of rejecting him, it's not fair to reject a person just because of their pack or responsibility." Her mind wandered to Matt who had chosen his parents over his pack, a small constellation prize for Alex was knowing that the pack she had left would be weak without having their true Luna.

"You do know if you keep smiling creepily like that, I'm going to send you to the pack shrink" there was underlaying humor in his tone.

"I was just thinking how my old pack is going to suffer from not having their true Luna" the Alpha was taken aback by what she said.

"Your mate was an Alpha?" she nodded not understanding why he seemed mad "Well Alex I might have something that might make you smile even more" Dave stood up and walked to his office, Alex stood up following him.

"what are you looking for?" she asked as he grabbed a really old looking book and started to flip through the pages.

"Well from what you've just told me a matless Alpha is in charge of a pack, the problem is that the council made a law centuries ago stating that only mates can run a pack, and I'm just trying to find it before I report it to the council." Alex was stunned to silence; she didn't know how to process the information she'd just heard.

"Quick question who carries out the punishment from the council?" she asked hoping that he'd give her the answer she wanted.

"The pack that reported it, and that pack also gets to decide on the punishment" a small sadistic smile played at Alex's lips "Actually there is another thing I need to discuss with you, but you're not going to like it" this didn't seem good. "As you know, me and Ash couldn't have any heirs of our own, so we adopted Alec, now the thing is you are part wolf not only that but an Alpha female. So, would you take on the Alpha role we can't give the position to Alec, he doesn't have it in him, but you do." She sat there thinking about it as the worry began to set in soon her lungs had stopped working, she couldn't breathe, black spots floated in her vision the last thing she knew she was falling to the floor then darkness.

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