Born of Ink. Part 4. Meeting the Ink Demon

Start from the beginning

"It's over."

"We're going to die."

"No. No. NO!"

"We can't get free."

"No escape. Only death."

You watched the man go away and exit the room, leaving you all alone to meet your fate. This was happening. This was truly happening. You were going to die, sacrificed whatever he called a savior. You began to struggle again, ignoring the pain and ache in your body and the voice in your mind. I-f only Grandpa would get mad and the bracelet would burn then...wait! You didn't feel the bracelets at all on your skin. Could it be...that when you fell...

"Fuck! FUCK!" you screamed realizing that now, neither the Nightmare King nor the Radiance would be able to tell what was going on with you.

You began to struggle harder, now fueled by anger when a static noise came from a speaker nearby, that guys voice echoing through out the room.

"Sheep, sheep, sheep, It's time for sleep. Rest your head. It's time for bed. In the morning, you may wake. Or in the morning, you'll be dead."

"Just you wait until I get my hands on you!" you screamed.

A metal door in front of you opened as the guy ignored your threat and continued to talk, the entire place shaking as he did so.

"Hear me, Bendy! Arise from the darkness! Arise and claim my offering! Free me! I beg you! I summon you, Ink Demon! Show your face and take this tender sheep!"

"I swear I'll take the longest piece of wood I'll find and shove it up your ass!" you continued to yell, the adrenaline rushing in your body, giving you strength to keep on struggling and ignore the pain.

You fixated your eyes on the darkness revealed through the opened door, ready to face whatever was going to come out when...

"No! My lord! Stay back! I am your prophet! I am your- AAAHHH!!"

You heard the guy scream followed by other weird noises, a devilish smile rolling on your lips.

"Karma bitch!" you yelled, but the joy was short lived.

You were still caught, let alone the other troubles. There was no guarantee that that thing won't come after you and... wait a minute. Did...did he say Bendy?

In your frightened state, you didn't realize who the savior's or whatever thing that madman was talking about was Bendy, your brain too tired and agitated to make the connection. But how?

The walls began to turn black, ink dripping from the ceiling as the room was flooded with the dark substance. You gave up on your thoughts and tried to release yourself, but only ended up falling on the side, hitting your head once more on the hardwood floor.

"Shit!" you yelped, as the voices yelled at you as well.

You were too tired and couldn't get yourself free. Was this really the end? Was this truly how you died?

From the darkness, you heard steps approaching, along with the sound of dripping. You looked towards the door, awaiting your fate. And he didn't delay.

Your voice was stuck in your throat when you saw him. He was nothing like his cartoon persona. He was taller, ink covering most of his face including his eyes, leaving only his smile intact. His left arm was longer and thinner than his right one which was also more human looking, a large white glove resting on his hand. His left leg was more deformed and thicker than the right one, looking almost like a deformed stump. You couldn't help but feel...pity, sadness. What happened to him? What did that bastard do to him?!

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