Frank Iero x Reader - Lie or Dare

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You in the meantime felt dizzy. Your head was feather-light but also incredibly heavy, and you had to resist the temptation of resting it on Frank's shoulder. He looked so good tonight, with his crazy hair, and his lip ring, and the nose piercing, and the skeleton gloves he was wearing.

"(Y/n), truth or dare," someone shouted across the room.

You jumped out of your thoughts, and realized the bottle was pointing at you. You were about to answer 'dare', fearing to reveal some secret if they asked you something, but Frank leant over to you.

"You've had enough, you should take truth," he whispered, and you nodded.

Not even thinking about what he had told you, and why you had originally decided against it, you answered "Truth".

There was some mumbling for a moment within the group until someone had come up with a good question.

"Are you in love with Frank?"

Somewhere in the back of your brain your consciousness scrambled to its feet. You felt Frank tensing at your side, and a voice in your head screamed about how he would hate you until the end of time if you told the truth, that yes, in reality you did like him. Admittedly this game was called TRUTH or dare, not "Decide if you want to tell the truth, and if not, lie and dare", but nobody would know if you lied, and it would safe your friendship with Frank.

"Nah," you shook your head, chuckling slightly, hoping it would be convincing, "we're just friends, right Frankie?"

Playfully you nudged Frank's shoulder, but something about his reaction seemed off. You felt it in the way how his shoulder did not give way to the soft push, instead it felt more like running into a door frame. He was not looking at you, his eyes cast across the room, staring into the distance, his jaw tense. Something was wrong. Majorly wrong. You felt your heartrate pick up, quicker and harder than was comfortable, and it felt as if your heart was beating right in the back of your throat, every single heartbeat causing your face to feel like it was pulsating with blood, but instead of blushing you felt yourself growing pale.

The rest of the group seemed not to notice; they just sighed in disappointment, and spun the bottle again, immediately daring the next victim to do a shot.

"Frank," you asked carefully, nudging his shoulder again, gentler this time, hoping to make him look at you, but instead he got up wordlessly.

Panic started rising in your chest as you watched him unfold his legs, and stand up from the floor, turning his back to the group, and starting to walk away. You jumped up, intending to run after him, but the sudden movement caused your equilibrium to finally get affected by the alcohol, and you almost fell, in the attempt to run after Frank.

Slower is quicker, you told yourself, trying to ignore the spinning room around you, and the panicked breathing. Slowly, placing one foot in front of the other consciously, you made your way through the room, trying to find Frank, but he was nowhere in sight. Where could he have gone? Following an instinct you walked towards the hallway, and outside, into the front yard. And sure enough, walking down the pavement, away from the house, you spotted a figure who matched Frank's appearance.


You did not care about the looks that were thrown your way, when you shouted for him, instead you felt panic rising as he sped up his steps. Feeling terribly dizzy, but determined to figure out what the problem was, you started jogging after him.

"Frank, wait! Where are you going?"

You had almost reached him, only six feet separating you from him, and you were ready to stretch out your arm to take hold of his shirt, when he spun around, making you stumble to an immediate stop. Never before had you seen an expression that scared you as much as the one on Frank's face in that moment. It was not necessarily the anger that glimmered in his eyes, which made you flinch, but far more the pain, the disappointment, but also a hint of apology. His face was drained of all colour, except a fine line around his eyelids, that had turned red, as if he was about to cry. His lips were quivering, in held back anger, or suppressed tears, you weren't sure. His teeth were clenched together, and his hands tensed into fists.

Emo Trinity x Reader (Book 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ