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The light in their home was warm and cozy, making the picture seem particularly warm and moving. He knew that, from now on, life with her will have vitality. 

Reason and emotion, turbulence and restraint, all these contradictory attributes slowly merged into the man’s body, and there were some inexplicable stirring in his heart. At this time, his cold eyes were slightly curved, looking particularly pensive. 

Yi Ran felt that Gu Tingchuan was asking these questions today as a means of probing for something. She pretended not to pay attention to this person’s gaze and instead concentrated on doing her own thing. 

Anyway, it didn’t matter if Director Gu doesn’t know how to truly love. After all, who of us understood it? Who hadn’t stumbled along the way and used love to heal all kinds of follies rather than to simply face the trials of life together?

In front of him, she still hadn’t shown many of her numerous thoughts. However, his personal charm always made her feel seen. Anyway, there was still a long way to go, and the years were long. She probably had a chance...to learn together with him what love was.


The sports meeting at the Haben International School was held as scheduled in the gym. The weather was slightly cold in Winter. When the sun shone, the horizon line became golden and the ground temperature rose up, causing the body to sweat. 

Gu Tingchuan has a morning meeting at the company to follow the movie’s progress. He arrived at the stadium’s parking lot at 9 o’clock. As he came in, he saw at a glance that Principal Shi Xiang was sitting on the platform. The middle-aged man’s clothes looked well-ironed and his chest was puffed out, as if he was the focus of the audience. He didn’t know how much hair gel was poured on the man’s head, since it was so shiny

Shortly after the entrance ceremony, the children’s personal challenges were carried out. Gu Tai had signed up for the 50-meter sprint and then for the two person, three foot race with his uncle. 

Gu Tingchuan took out his mobile phone and called Yi Ran to locate them. As he did so, he slightly lifted his chin to look around. His face was bright and his body was tall and straight. As soon as he appeared on site, it caused a lot of commotion. Although the school was not short of parents with big heads and faces and beautiful foreign friends, Gu Tingchuan was undoubtedly the most attractive young elite. 

When Yi Ran saw him, she also realized that he looked a bit different. Today, he wore a dark-colored coat, the kind meant for easy movements. The materials were soft and breathable. He was also wearing a pair of sneakers. When she reached him, he lowered his face slightly toward her. He softly asked, “Where is Gu Tai?” 

“He over there, preparing.”

As she was talking, he noticed that there was some sadness. "What's wrong?" 

Yi Ran let out a sigh and said with difficulty, “The sportswear that Gu Tai brought was stained.” 

Gu Tingchuan saw his little nephew coming from the other side of the runway. His eyes gradually deepened, and he finally frown.

Looking down carefully, he found that the white sportswear on Gu Tai's upper body was smeared with childish graffiti using a black marker. It looked a little funny at first glance.

He raised his eyes and observed the boy pretending to be calm. He smiled calmly and said, "It doesn't matter who painted it. It looks good."

Gu Tai proudly glanced at his uncle, and gave a smile. "Thank you, Uncle. "

Yi Ran looked with uncertainty in Yao Juan’s direction. Today, neither of Hao Ziyue's parents came so Teacher Yao ended up accompanying him for the parent-child projects.

But, even if Hao Ziyue did it, they had no evidence. Also, Gu Tingchuan should have connected to them already.

A few days ago, she heard Yao Juan said that his father was furious at home. He reprimanded his son, and then probably hit him.

Looking at the terrible family environment, Yi Ran was really sympathetic to the child. 

Probably because of his aunt and uncle's cheers, the handsome boy was not disturbed by this accident. Instead, he ran like a little wild horse and won the fifty-meter championship successfully.

As they stood by the side of the game to cheer Gu Tai on, Yi Ran suddenly squinted and said to Gu Tingchuan, “Gu Tai’s motor nerves have always been good. Director Gu, what about you?”

Gu Tingchuan looked down at her, their eyes meeting in that short distance. Yi Ran was now smiling brightly and vividly, reflecting the warm sun, which suddenly gave him an impulse to kiss her. Obviously, this was not a good place. He quickly adjusted his mood before saying, “Do you doubt me again?"

Yi Ran was already used to his teasing words, but then, he spoke his next sentence, “Also, there has been no 'exercise' for a long time.”

She bit her lip a little and wondered how he could so casually continue to stand there. Gu Tingchuan's eyes were warm, but his expression was a little sly, even as he turned the whole world into nothing but a backdrop. She felt a rush of excitement, and there are countless surges in her heart, as if her heart will jump right out of her chest.

Fortunately, Gu Tai finished the game at this time, and Yi Ran hurriedly stepped in front of him. Lowering her head, and she said, "Your next project will take awhile to start."

Then, turning to look at Gu Tingchuan, her eyes blinked. "There is a 'Carnival' event that collects points for prizes, nad it has ice cream and snacks. You take him first."

He looked at her leisurely: "What about you?"

“I'm a teacher. Of course, I'll need to stay here to help look after the students. "

Seeing her insistence, Gu Tingchuan patted Gu Tai's shoulder and left without saying anything.

It wasn't long before Gu Tai ran back alone. The handsome little boy was so helpless that he slightly sighed and said, "Teacher Yi, my uncle said that he would help me win a remote control plane, but it needs to two people to step on the balloons together. You can help him. "

...Director Gu was actually willing to step on balloons for the nephew's prize and right under the public's view?

Yi Ran felt dizzy. This picture was simply too beautiful. She couldn't imagine it. She had to be held by Gu Tai all the way to the area where they were participating in the carnival.

Gu Tingchuan stood in front of the booth and looked at the rules of the game silently. After he saw her, he raised his eyes and smiled lightly. Under the bright sky in the morning, his eyes seemed to gloat faintly.

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