Invasion: Seeking Help: DT, Adora, Bow- Part2

Start from the beginning

She wiped her tears. "Swift . . ." She turned around. And tried to reach for the sword that was no longer a part of her. "Double Trouble!" She yelled out. 

Double Trouble bowed. "Mighty good horse performance, huh?" 

She took a fighting stance. "What do you want?" 

"It's more about what you need. I just want compensation for any performance I must give." They changed from Hordak, to Entrapta, to Adora, Bow and Glimmer. "I can do so many more. I know you need help getting your sparkly friend back and Catra too. 

Adora looked surprised. "Catra's on the ship too?" 

Double Trouble came closer. "I don't want to fight you unless I have to. I don't wanna break a heel or a nail." They looked and smiled at both then saw the sadness in her eyes. "Hon, what's wrong?" 

Adora slumped onto her bed. "She-Ra is gone. I'm just Adora now. The sword is broken. It was the only way I could save the planet." 

Double Trouble sat beside her. "Should I hug you?" 

She laughed to herself. "No, I'm okay." 

The sound of running feet stopped at Adora's room. "Oh my . . . " Bow was ready to shoot his arrow. 

"Bow! No!" Adora cried out. 

Bow dropped his stance and put away his things. "Why are you here?"  He asked Double Trouble. 

They stood up and twirled around just because. "Hordak, Glimmer and Catra are stuck on a spaceship. I'm sure Prime is going to hold the queen and Catra for ransom. You need my help am I not right?" 

Bow looked at Adora for an answer. He already knew it though. Yes, they needed Double Troubles help more than they knew. 

Scorpia, Perfuma and Frosta made it back to Bright Moon. They were all very tired and collapsed into the chairs in the war room.

"What are you doing?" A curious male voice asked. None of them had noticed the man sitting in one of the chairs. 

"You can't sit there!" Frosta cried out, "That's kin-king," She finally realized the man sitting there was Glimmer's father. "You're alive?!" 

"Whoa!" Scorpia said in shock. 

Perfuma stood up and went over to him. "Are you real?" 

King Micah laughed. "I'm recovering from my days trapped on Beast Island. Yes, I am real." 

Perfuma smiled, "I'm Princess Perfuma of Plumeria. That's princess Scorpia and princess Frosta." 

King Micah smiled and greeted them. "I know the Horde has taken over much of Etheria. We're going to find a way to get it back." 

Scorpia jumped up. "Is Entrapta here too?" 

He nodded. "She's with a robot named Emily." 

Scorpia ran off to find Entrapta. 

"Does Glimmer know that you're here?" Frosta asked him. 

King Micah frowned. "Adora and Bow said Horde Prime took her and Hordak." 

SeaHawk and Mermista came into the room. "We saw Scorpia running down the hall and she told us to come in here." He said with a tired smile. 

King Micah stood and moved to see them. Their faces were priceless as they stared. "I'm home." He said and walked over to them. "Good to meet you." 

"I am SeaHawk and this is princess Mermista." 

"Wow! This is so cool." She looked around, but didn't see the three amigos. 

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