Enamoured: Hordak/ Entrapta

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This isn't part of my design. I shouldn't have feelings. Even after being cleansed by Prime and brought back by She-Ra, I shouldn't feel like this. And yet the girl with long purple hair screamed my name and jumped onto me. She pulled me into a hug. It felt so odd and so right at once. 

And now like before I lost her and I didn't even know I had at the time, I felt enamoured. 

Entrapta. Odd name for someone for sure, but we all have odd names. I remember yelling at her for fixing my portal then realzied I needed her. At first it was business only, then over some time became something much more. 

She gave me a new suit of armor and confidence in myself. A piece of colorful stone set in the armor too. It was her way of saying she liked me. 

She flirted here and there and I did nothing but look stupid. She dropped hints, but I never took action. The day I found out about Beast Island and what Catra had done I cried. I NEVER CRY. This though spun me into destructive mode. I had every right to be heated and throw a huge fit. I wanted Catra dead. Even now I still wish she were gone. 

Now I stand in the present with a future in front of me. One with Entrapta. The only downfall is moving to Dryl, but I can renovate there. Make her place mine as well as hers. A bigger place to invent and come up with plans. I am still the same me. Maybe I'm a bit more evolved. I haven't changed much. 

I still crave power. I long for the the day when people will serve me and sacrifice everything to be part of my new horde. Yes I do want that again. I might even fight for the Fright Zone to be mine once again. 

With Entrapta's mind and skill we can do anything and get anything too. Doesn't Etherians understand what I'm capable of? From the past I'm sure they know I hit hard and fast. Am I sorry for the past? No, I wanted to destroy and then repair my own way. 

Collection of She-ra  stories! #oneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ