Chapter 5: Hunters vs Dungeon

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "Turn down the sass before I make you. And to answer your question my strength is at 103." Everyone stopped and looked at Y/n with wide eyes. "What?"

Jaune: "Dude you have a higher strength than some 2nd years, what level are you?"

Y/n: "23."

Ruby: "HOW!" she shouted. "The average 1st year is level 14 then they join. Im just barely level 16."

Yang: "Yeah, Im level 17 and my strength is 76. Where did you get all that exp?"

Y/n: "The dungeon I was stuck in for a month." Y/n saw the stares and sighed. "Look lets get out of here and then we can ta-" Suddenly a strong gust of wind came through the tunnel, extingushing the torches. "Great. Now what?"

Weiss: "I could use a fire spell but that wont help much seeing that I cant see where the torches are."

Y/n: "Hmm. Ok I think I know what could help. Fenrir?"

Fenrir: "How may I serve Master?" The deep growling voice echoed through the caves.

Y/n: "Lead us out of here." Y/n ordered but before Fenrir could do anything the cave walls slowly began to glow. "What in Odins name is going on?"

Fenrir: "It seems like the dungeon wants you to keep traversing through it."

Ruby: "I mean how much more can there be? We already walked for hours." The reaper stated.

Y/n: "Hmm... Is everyone ok with continuing?" Nora and Ruby nodded energetically, Ren and Weiss were a bit more calm about it.

Jaune: "Yeah sure, I could need the exp."

Y/n: "Ok we will carry on." The group got back into formation as they continued traversing the now abandoned tunnels. 'I have a bad feeling about this.' Y/n thought.

?: "Turn left next.~" An unknown voice was heard in Y/ns head, it seemed to be whispering into his left ear making him turn to look but he found nothing.

?2: "There are 10 of those creatures master.~" another voice said, now coming from the right, this one sound female.

Y/n: 'Who are you?' Y/n asked in his head.

?: " Im Hugin.~"

?2: "Im Munin.~" Y/n froze making everyone stop and turn towards him.

Ruby: "Is everything ok?" the girl asked concerned.

Y/n: "Y-yeah, I... unlocked a new summon." in an instant Nora was in front of him, jumping up and down.

Nora: "OHHH what is it? Is it a dragon? A giant bear? A GIANT PANCAKE?!"

Y/n: "None of those. Let me try and summon them."

Ren: "Them?" His question was answered as two masses of shadows started forming on Y/ns shoulders. Soon those masses took the shape of ravens. The two flapped their wings as they perched on Y/ns shoulders.

Weiss: "Your summons are birds? Really thats all?"

Munin: "Watch your tongue.~"

Hugin: "Before we peck it out.~" the two cawed.

Y/n: "Let me introduce to you Hugin and Munin, the eyes and ears Odins, two ravens that whisper the happenings of all the realms into the All-Fathers ears. But I need to know what made you come to me and how did I unlock the ability to summon you?"

Hugin: "We saw the situation you were in.~"

Munin: "And decided to help.~"

Hugin: "Since the disappearance of the All-Father we searched for a new master.~"

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