"This is your doing hyung." Jungkook playfully accused making Yoongi amused.

"Alright get your petty ass in the car Kook." Taehyung further pressed Jungkook's buttons making Jungkook punch Taehyung in the arm.

In the midst of the crowd, a woman watched the group with intentive eyes, "Yes miss they just landed. Of course I'll make sure to keep a distance." She spoke on the phone acting as if she was just a pedestrian passing by.

Jin drove up to a company that seemed very modern with glass covering the whole building. Guards covered the whole premise of the area. "Damn they sure know how to keep up with society." Jin said as he looked around.

Pulling up to the front gate the security guard asked what was their purpose of visiting.

"We're here to talk to a man named Jeong Jongin." Jin replied politely in Chinese with a smile.

"Identification please." The guard said emotionlessly.

Jin took out his wallet and handed it to the guard along with the entrance card Kiwoo gave them. The guard looked at it and handed it back to Jin, "Have a nice day sir." He said and pressed the button opening the gates.

"You too." Jin replied and drove in.

"That was kinda easier than I thought." Jisoo said as she spotted cameras following the car.

"Kiwoo must have gave them a heads up." Hoseok said as he reached for his gun making sure it was hidden.

Jin parked the car and turned to them, "Everyone has their weapons on them right." He asked and received nods from everyone.

"Alright let's hope we get what we came for." Namjoon said as he opened the car door.

They all walked through the enormous building with people walking everywhere with badges and files in hand.

"Wow they must be shipping a lot of weapons." Lisa whispered as she watched the workers exit and enter the elevators.

"Yah be mindful that they are working." Jennie scolded.

Yoongi walked to the receptionist, "Hello we're here to see Jeong Jongin." He spoke in English he wasn't too confident in speaking Chinese.

The receptionist looked up from her computer, "Oh are you Kim Namjoon?"

Namjoon stepped forward, "That's me."

She nodded and picked up the phone typing three numbers, "Sir your visitors are here."

"Let them through." The man replied making the woman hang up the phone.

"He's ready to speak with you Mei will guide you to his office." The receptionist said as she points to a woman standing behind them.

"Hello I'm Yang Mei follow me." The tall slim woman turned on her heels leading them past the glass doors.

As they followed Mei Lisa noticed that they passed the elevators, "Uhm Miss Mei we passed the elevators."

Mei turned to them holding the knob of the metal door, "Those lead up and we're not going there." She replied and swiped her card on the security lock unlocking the door.

Walking down the hallway Mei stopped in front of the elevator doors pressing the button making the doors open, "After you." She smiled.

The confused members walked into the elevator and watched Mei press the button closing the doors.

"Jimin what if she going to kill us—omo was this a setup." Chaeyoung whispered to Jimin making him stifle a laugh.

"Chae I highly doubt it but I really don't know." He responded honestly making Chaeyoung shake his arm aggressively.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened making everyone walkout. Mei lead them down a hallway that was very dim but nicely decorated. "Boss Jongin is currently working so keep your voices down." She told them and opened the dark oak wood door.

The room was dark lit with computer screens being the only source of light. Rows and rows of people sitting in front of monitors astounded everyone. They were all so blown away that they didn't notice Mei walk away to look for Jongin.

"Holy shit." Jungkook cursed with wide eyes.

A man who looked about 25 walked up to everyone. He was dressed in black slacks and a loose white button-up. "Welcome to the black market of Beijing. I'm Jongin and you are the people Kiwoo sent to see me right." He spoke in Korean shocking everyone.

Jongin chuckled at their shock, "Yes I'm fluent in Korean so no need to be nervous."

"Wait so this is where the black market is run?" Taehyung asked confusion laced in his voice.

"Some of it but this is were most of the weaponry, drugs and fake ids are made. Most of the other stuff is made by random people trying to make money." He clasped his palms together, "Now Kiwoo told me why you need my help and we're ready to be of service."

Jennie eyed Jongin, "What's the catch? There's always a catch and we want to hear it." She wasted no time trying to find Jongin's motives.

Jongin smiled, "I like that you're all very attentive. We want at least half of Hyunsuk's money." He told them seriously.

Jisoo's eyes bulged out of her sockets, "Half!"

Jongin nodded his head, "Yeah look we're tight on money right now and I need to pay these people. It's deal or no deal." He said with a shrug.

They all turned to Namjoon who was silent. "Alright if you get us in the bank with ease and no bullshit of backing out when things get rough we got a deal."

Jongin held out his hand, "Deal." Namjoon shook his hand.

"Now when do we start this robbery?" Jongin asked.

"Two days' time so Friday." Yoongi replied lighting a cigarette.

"Perfect let's go somewhere more secluded then." Jongin said with a grin.

To be continued
|I understand Tzuyu isn't Chinese but Taiwanese. However just for the sake of the plot her family have people working for them in China who obey their rules. I'm sorry for the late update but I'm on break now so updates will be more frequent! Also don't know if you guys noticed but chapter 1 of Golden scars is out. Merry Christmas! 💖❤️|

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