As Long as You Love Me

Start from the beginning

"Where are they?" Amy whined. She was leaning against the console, pretending to check her nails like if she was bored when in fact she was... actually she was bored. Extremely bored. Where was the Doctor? And Rose for that matter.

"We don't know." Jack snapped. "Just like the last five times you've asked."

Amy narrowed her eyes as she glared at the Captain. "You're grumpy in the mornings."

"You're one to talk."

"Guys, come on." Rory sighed. Amy could tell he was growing irritated by their bantering, and she understood him. It was too early in the morning and if she hadn't been one on the banterers... banters? Whatever. If she wasn't participating in the bantering, then she would have been irritated by them too. "They're probably still sleeping."

"Who's still sleeping?"

Finally, the person she was waiting for. "Doctor! Finally." She pushed herself away from the console and walked over to the Time Lord. "Come on, we're bored."

"You're bored." Jack muttered, like a child. Jack was a overgrown child and no one could convince her otherwise.

"Are we going somewhere?" Rose's voice drifted down from the staircase.

"Yes!" Amy pushed the Doctor towards the console. Why was he being so slow? "Come on, take us somewhere."

"You're being pushy this morning." The Doctor grumbled but did start to type in a sequence.

"Tell me about it." Jack huffed and shared a look with Rose. "You look happy." He wagged his eyebrows in a suggestive matter. "Want to tell me about it?"

"Not now." Rose glanced towards her and Rory.

Oh, she was definitely getting to the bottom of that later.

Jack seemed to take the hint and kept quiet. God, she wished she could read Rose like he did. It would help immensely while trying to figure out her and the Doctor's secrets.

"Alright!" The Doctor spun around to face the room and she quickly turned her attention on him. "Ravan-Skala! The people are 600 feet tall, you have to talk to them in hot air balloons and the Tourist Information Centre is made of one of their hats."

"Now we're talking." Amy ran down to the doors and opened them wide; she could tell that the rest of them were following after.

"I'm sorry, but I don't see any huge hats." Rory was frowning as he looked around the room they were standing in, and she agreed. Were where the hats?

"This could be the most exciting thing I have ever seen!" The Doctor exclaimed as he spun around the room with wide arms.

"You're kidding." Rory deadpanned.

"He's right, Doc. This doesn't look very exciting." Jack put in.

"It looks like a rubbish hotel on Earth." Amy grimaced, this was a huge disappointment.

"This has just been made to look like Earth." The Doctor started to explain. "The craftsmanship involved..." He shook his head with excitement. "Can you imagine?"

"Doctor," Rose touched his arm to get his attention. "I don't think we're on Ravan-Skala."

"What?" Amy quickly rounded on the Doctor. "Then where are we?"

"I don't know." The Doctor frowned and took in the framed photographs on the walls and the potted plants around the room. "Something must have yanked us off course, but look at the detail on that cheese plant!" He exclaimed and deeply inhaled a leaf.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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