Live tomorrow

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Chapter 15 Live tomorrow


It's cold around me, the night is young
The sun has fallen
And I've become the lonely one
The moon is dancing among the clouds

And my knees are shaking
And my dreams are braking
But I know I live
But I know I live, today



"No way." Buzzer shook his head as they entered the dining room.

"I don't..." Cleaves took in a deep breath. "I don't believe this."

"They could've escaped through the service door in the back." Jimmy offered, as the room was void of anything remotely ganger like.

"This is just like the isle of Sheppey." Buzzer muttered as he looked around the room.

"What happened on the isle of Sheppey?" The Doctor could hear Rose ask as he sat down on the table, studying a house of cards.

"That's just a myth." Dicken scoffed. "You don't actually believe that, do you?" He eyed Buzzer.

"After this?" Buzzer held his arms up. "I don't know what to believe anymore."

"Can someone please tell me what happened?" Rose snapped, and the Doctor held back a snort when he noticed how similar to Jackie she sounded. He did not want a repeat of the look he had gotten the last time he mentioned that to her though, so he kept his lips firmly closed.

"A ganger got an electric shock," Buzzer started, giving Dicken a look to dare him to interrupt. "Toddled off, killed his operator, right there in the harness. I've seen the photos. This bloke's ear was..."

"That's enough." Cleaves cut him off. "That was a one of, a freak accident. It can't have happened here. Can it?" She directed the last bit at him.

"It would seem the storm has animated your gangers." He looked up at her.

"And ransacked our stuff." She looked around at the messy piles they had created.

"Not ransacked," He corrected. "Searched."

"Through our stuff?" She stared at him with disbelief in her eyes.

"Their stuff." He turned back to look at the card house.

"Searching for what?" Jimmy asked.

"Confirmation." He crossed his arms. "They need to know their memories are real."

"Oh, so they've got flaming memories now." Buzzer said sarcastically.

"They feel compelled to connect to their lives, yeah." He stared him right in the eyes.

"Their stolen lives." Cleaves scoffed.

"No," He shifted his gaze to her. "Bequeathed. You gave them this. You poured in your personalities, emotions, traits, memories, secrets... everything. You gave them your lives." He looked at them all in turn. "Human lives are amazing. Are you surprised they walked off with them?"

"Even if what you're telling is true," Jimmy began. "They can't possibly remain stable without us plumbed into them..." He turned to Cleaves. "Right, boss?"

"I guess we'll find out." Cleaves answered weakly.


Rose listened intently to the conversation around her, a feeling of unease settling over her when she thought about what Buzzer had said.

She knew the Doctor was right about the gangers, but what if they would turn against them, just like the other one had done. It wasn't easy just suddenly existing, she knew the feeling first hand. She was just lucky to have the Doctor there to explain everything to her.

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