Boulevard of broken Dreams

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Chapter 6 Boulevard of Broken Dreams


I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone

~Green day


"How many marks do you have today?" River asked as they settled down for the night in an empty building, three stories up and in the middle of a renovation.

"Ten." Rose answered as she put down her knapsack and started pulling out two cans of beans for their dinner.

"Seven for me." River walked up to her with her blaster out and ready.

"Don't make them as hot as last time." Rose said as she put down the cans on the ground and watched as River fired a steady stream of light at them from her blaster, cooking them up instantly.

"There's more and more of them the closer to the city we come." River picked up one of the cans and handed it to Rose. "Nice and warm." She winked before taking the second one for herself.

"Yeah," Rose nodded. "I've noticed." She sat down on a box and started opening the can.

They had been out in the field for a month now, starting with Florida and heading north. They were now half-way through South Carolina.

Rose had gotten to know River quite well during that time, and they had made a habit of telling each other a story from their adventures. Not that River ever told her anything about her childhood or anything previous to meeting the Doctor. If Rose asked she would just spout on 'Spoilers', give her a wink, and then move on to another topic.

Still, Rose liked River. She was the closest thing to a friend she'd had since leaving with the Doctor. She hadn't realised it at the time, but being with River now made her see how much she had missed hanging out with people who weren't boys.

The travels during her time with the Doctor had sometimes gotten a bit too much testosterone filled, especially when Jack and Mickey had been there, so this felt nice. She hoped she would become closer to Amy as well when they returned to the TARDIS. She hadn't spoken to her since her first night after the shooting, the Doctor being too overprotective to let anyone in to see her.

Even after her recovery he had refused to leave her alone for more than a few minutes at the time. She had to practically force him to leave her alone when it was time to sleep.

"You called me Wolf today." Rose said after swallowing a spoonful of beans. "Back at the factory."

"I did?" River looked surprised.

"Yeah," She swallowed another spoon. "Before we ran, you called me Wolf and told me to duck so you could shoot whatever was after me."

"I don't remember." River frowned.

"You've called me that before." Rose ploughed on, putting down the empty can and leaning back against the dusty wall. "Back at the diner where we first met..." She paused. "Or rather, where I first met you. You called me Wolf before you realised I was a younger version of myself." River didn't say anything; she was looking down at her can of beans, so Rose decided to continue. "It's because of the Game station, isn't it? I told you about it, or will tell you about? God, it's annoying to talk like that." She snorted as she shook her head.

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