Never Alone Always Alone

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Chapter 5 Never Alone Always Alone


Hold on tight, be the strong one to melt the fight, make it all right
Hatred grows, leaving leads for us, yes it shows, can't find harmony
You won't heal, it's for real

Surely fall, never take friendship personal,
Go your own way and prove them wrong
It's in your hands now, hanging on to the hopeful words,
Plant a seed with a need



"Rose! No!" The Doctor cried out as he captured her lifeless form in his arms just before she reached the ground. His hands instantly went to her wound, doing his best to stop the flow of blood that was slowly soaking through his shirt. "Stay with me." He pleaded, shifting so she was sitting in his lap, her head supported by his upper arm.

"I'll try." She cracked her eyes open just enough for him to see the pain in them.

"Forever." He said, smiling down at her even though his eyes didn't match the gesture. "Remember?"

"I reme..." She started coughing softly, a thin trail of blood escaping the corner of her mouth. "I remember." He could see she was trying to smile back, but the pain was too great.

"Ssh," He wiped the blood away with his thumb, bringing her closer to him so he could kiss her hair. "I'll hold you to that."

"Jus'... jus' hold me." She said so softly he was barely able to hear it, but he brought her even closer, holding her head up against his chest, his nose burrowed in her hair.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He heard Amy cry in the background.

"You did this." He ground his teeth as he looked at her, the Oncoming Storm fully emerged. She recoiled when she met his eyes, he was pleased. "You did this." He repeated before refocusing his attention on Rose, her eyes were closed. "Rose?" He shook her lightly, but she didn't respond. "Rose, talk to me." He knew he should remain calm, but he was quickly becoming overrun with despair.

"Doctor!" River called out. "What's going on?" He ignored her, leaning down so he could place his forehead on Rose's while rocking back and forth slowly as he cradled her.

"You promised me forever." He could feel the tears slipping past his eyes now. "You can't do this to me again. You promised."

"We need to get her back to the TARDIS." It was Rory. He placed a hand on his arm, but the Doctor shook it off. "She's still breathing, Doctor. There's still time."

"What the hell is going on?" Canton was awake again it seemed. He didn't care.

"Help me." He said quietly, but Rory heard him. He nodded once, kneeling down beside him so he could shift her over to Rory's lap while he stood up. He could hear Amy's cries and River's shouts as she talked to Canton about something. Something was coming towards them.

That's when he saw them, tall, slim, aliens dressed in suits.

He didn't have time for that. He bent down so he could lift Rose up in his arms, running back towards the TARDIS.

Why did River and Canton look so scared? They were staring at something behind him, but he didn't have time for that now. He needed to get Rose to the sick-bay.

"River, take her into the vortex!" He called out over his shoulder as he took a left and quickly walked up the staircase that emerged through a hole in the wall.

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