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Chapter 11 Alive


You came through the door
You came through it all
One step further and
I will lose it all
Everything you said
Everything was so right


I'm alive
For the first time in my life
I just know that I'm alive
I want to dance the night away
I'm alive
I'll always be there by your side
I just know that I'm alive
This is the feeling of my life
I'm alive

~Da Buzz


Rose watched as the Doctor fished out Amy's mobile from his pocket to answer it as it ringed. He took out his screwdrivers as well and tossed it once in the air like the old him used to do. Seeing him do that brought out a wave of memories in Rose and she fought hard not to let the Doctor notice.

"Yeah," The Doctor said into the phone, assumedly to Amy. "It's around somewhere. Have a good look." He activated the screwdriver and pointed it in the direction Rose knew the TARDIS was and hung up the phone.

"You locked them in." It wasn't a question, and she knew the Doctor knew that as well.

"It's for their own safety." He answered a bit brusquely and walked briskly down the tunnel without waiting to see if she would follow.

"Why not let them decide that for themselves." She hurried after him, falling in line with his long strides as she half-jogged beside him.

"Because," He stopped abruptly and swirled around to come face to face with her, his eyes a swirling pool of darkness. "They don't know what's best for them."

He didn't scream or yell, but Rose could feel the underlying anger in his voice as if he had just screamed his lungs dry, and for the first time since she'd met the man with a leather jacket and a penchant for danger, she felt afraid.

Unable to form any words, she stared at the man she loved with open mouth and fear in her eyes. She knew he noticed because he immediately backed away and hung his head, fiddling a bit with his screwdriver as he refused to look up at her.

"I'm sorry." He said in almost a whisper, still not meeting her eyes, which, frankly, she was glad for because she had yet to shake the fear of them.

"We should eh..." She cleared her voice to make it sound steadier. "We should find the Time Lords, yeah." She wanted to sound brave and nonchalant, act like nothing had happened, but it was hard.

She took the lead down the tunnels, feeling his presence right behind her but neither said another word until they reached a small chamber with a cabinet mounted on the wall in an alcove, hiding behind a curtain.

The Doctor pushed past her and yanked the curtain away so he could open the cabinet, revealing several small boxes identical to the one he had received earlier, all of them murmuring calls out for help.

"Just admiring your Time Lord distress signal collection." Rose almost jumped at the sudden noise as he spoke, looking behind her to see Uncle and Auntie standing there. "Nice job." He continued. "Brilliant Job. Really thought I had some friends here... but that is what the Ood translator picked up. Cries for help from the long dead." He sounded calm, but like before, Rose saw the anger in his eyes as he turned to face the odd couple. "How many Time Lords have you lured here, the way you lured me? And what happened to them all?"

"House," Auntie spoke up. "House is kind and he is wise."

"House repairs you when you break." The Doctor was full on angry now as he stepped closer to them. "Yes, I know. But how does he mend you?" He raised his screwdriver and scanned Uncle. "You have the eyes of a 20 year old."

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