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Chapter 16 Human


I know exactly how you feel

You can hear what they think
Like a shadow in the dark
Are you, you real?
They will bring you down
The weakest makes the win
You have to realize
You're stronger than you think

~Oscar Zia


The Doctor watched as his duplicate screamed and twisted as he took in all 900+ years worth of memories. The whole ordeal caused him a great sense of déjà vu, and he couldn't help but let his mind drift away to the parallel universe for a second.

"What's happening?" His ganger asked, a look of horror in his eyes, until he twisted again and the expression changed. "I wonder if we'll get back. Yes, one day... Aaagh!" He gasped. I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow."

"He's struggling to cope with our past regenerations." He explained to anyone that listened. "Hold on!" He urged his duplicate.

"Would you like a jelly-baby?" The ganger said in a voice he hadn't heard in a long time. Not since he had worn a long scarf. "Why?" The ganger asked, a sense of despair in his voice. "Why!?"

"Why?" The Doctor asked back. "Why what?"

"Hello." The ganger straightened up. "I'm the Doctor." He said in the voice of his past regeneration before slumping forward again in pain. "No," He growled. "Let it go, we've moved on!"

"Hold on," The Doctor wished there were something he could do to ease the transition. "Hold on, you can stabilise!"

"I've reversed the jelly-baby of the neutron flow." The ganger started to ramble and stumbled a bit forward. "Would you like a..." He lunged forward, gripping his jacket. "Doctor... I'm... I'm the... I can't." He looked into his eyes.

"No," The Doctor refused to give up. "Listen, hold on. Hold on!"

"Nooooo!" The ganger pushed him away. "Aaaagh!" He clasped his head as he was transformed into his half-formed state again.

"Doctor," He heard Amy say behind him but he had to stay focused on his duplicate. "We need you. Get over here."

"Hello!" The ganger Doctor looked up at the sound of her voice, his face fully formed again.

"Doctor!" Amy urged, looking at his ganger with distrust.

"Cybermats." The Doctor ignored her as he confronted his ganger.

"Do we have time for this?" His ganger asked.

"We make time." He responded shortly. "I'd like more proof that you're me. Cybermats?"

"Created by the Cybermen." Ganger Doctor answered, the pain seeming to have subsided for the moment. "They kill by feeding off brainwaves."

The Doctor nodded his approval, and noticed in the corner of his eye Amy running back to the others, and turned so he was facing the door where the crew were busy keeping their duplicates out. His own ganger came to stand beside him.

"Amy may not trust both of us." Ganger Doctor started. "Rose might, but we can't be sure."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" The Doctor glanced at his ganger.

"Inevitably." His ganger looked back.

"I'm glad we're on the same..."

"Wavelength." His ganger finished for him. "You see," He smiled. "Great minds."

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