It Is You (I Have Loved)

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Woohoo, I posted another chapter in less than a month. I had planned for this to be finished last weekend but life happened (read my sisters) so there went those days. But I did finish it today and decided to upload it directly.

It dialogue heavy and a lot of exposition, but it is the chapter a lot of you have been waiting for so I hope you'll like it.

without further ado, I give you chapter 26.


Chapter 26 It Is You (I Have Loved)


But in an unexpected way
On this unexpected day
Could it mean this is where I belong
It is you I have loved all along

It's no more a mystery, it is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
And it is you I have loved all along

~Dana Glover


Rory watched the monitor by the door as the TARDIS dematerialised.

He stared intently at his wife as she and Rose disappeared in front of his eyes.

When the TARDIS was once again floating safely in the vortex, he tore his eyes away only to find Jack standing beside him.

"It was for the best." He said but his gaze kept shifting over to Rose and Amy who were conversing over at the other corner while the Doctor stood at the console, muttering.

"Maybe," Rory hummed. "But I guess we'll never find out."

"They both knew they wouldn't be able to come with us."

"Then why not just tell me." He grumbled and sank down to sit on the staircase leading up to the console. Jack sat down beside him.

"To make it easier." He shrugged. "I don't know, Rory." He squeezed his shoulder. "Just be careful with how you act around the Doctor. He's a smart guy, he'll figure out that something is up and then he won't stop until he finds out, and as horrible as it is, I think this is one thing better kept between us."

"We're just gonna forget about it? Just like that?" He snapped his fingers.

"No," Jack shook his head. "We don't forget about it, that wouldn't be fair to them. But telling the others...It would just create complications that we don't need. Especially between Rose and the Doctor."

"How am I gonna face Amy?" He buried his head in his hand as Jacks grip tightened. "I don't think I can keep something this big from her."

"Then don't." Jack shrugged.

"But you said..."

"She's your wife. I don't think you can keep it from her if you tried. Just... Make sure she doesn't tell the others."

Rory released a deep sigh as Jack rubbed his back in a comforting gesture. He could feel a nasty headache coming on.

"You two!" Amy hollered, causing Rory to jump in his seat by surprise. "Stop gossiping and come up here."

"Showtime." Rory mumbled as he stood up and plastered on a smile as he approached his wife. "What's going on?" He asked as he reached the console.

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