Can you feel the love tonight

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Okay, so this one is a fluffy filler chapter that is more about exploring the Doctor's and Rose's relationship than actual plot but I hope that won't disappoint. We all need some fluff now and then.

Beta:ed by Sam


Chapter 7 Can you feel the love tonight


I can see what's happening

And they don't have a clue

They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line

Our trio's down to two.


So many things to tell her

But how to make her see

The truth about my past, impossible

She'd turn away from me

~The Lion King


"Anything new?" Rose asked the Doctor. He once again stood by the scanner, a frown on his forehead as he took in the readings.

"Maybe." He answered, his tone dejected. "It's like something is controlling her, sending me the wrong signals." He hit the scanner. "Why won't it work?" He clenched his teeth. Rose walked up to him and placed a hand on his arm while she rested her head on his shoulder.

"You'll figure it out soon, yeah." She rubbed her free hand up and down his back. "You always do."

"Rose Tyler," He said softly and she lifted her head so she could see his face, a soft smile gracing his lips. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?" She frowned.

"Calm me down." He lifted his hand up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "You look beautiful."

"You think?" She took a step back and swirled around, her blue dress rising a little from the breeze. "Took me ages to find the right one." She looked down on the sleeveless cocktail dress, the skirt just short enough to allow dancing, missing how the Doctor's eyes roamed her body before returning to her face.

"Just perfect." His smile almost made her breath hitch; it was so raw and emotional, the hidden façade nowhere to be seen.

"For a human?" She teased, taking his hand.

"For a human." He chuckled and entwined their fingers.

"You look quite dapper yourself," She used her free hand to trace the lapels of his white jacket; the white shirt and black bowtie a wonderful contrast with his black trousers. "For a Time Lord." She grinned up at him.

"Oi, I'll have you know that there's not a single species out there that can rival my dapperness." He pouted.

"Oh, I don't know." She leaned back, pretending to take him in while she pondered. "Mickey always looked good in a suit."

"Mickey the idiot?" He exclaimed, looking highly offended. "Mickey the idiot looking better than me in a suit?" He huffed. "I don't know if I should be offended of appalled by your apparent lack of taste."

"Well," She moved her hand to his bowtie. "I only know one person who can pull off a bowtie." Her smile widened when she saw understanding dawn on his face, his lips spreading into a matching smile.

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