The Dance

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Chapter 4 The Dance


Looking back on the memory of
The dance we shared 'neath the stars above
For a moment all the world was right
How could I have known that you'd ever say goodbye

And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end, the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance
I could have missed the pain
But I'd have had to miss the dance



As soon as the Doctor had slipped out of the TARDIS, Amy grabbed Rory and dragged him away from Rose and River. She saw the former walking up to the console again and sitting down on the stairs, so she walked away to the opposite side of the platform.

"What is it?" Rory sounded tired, or maybe just irritated.

"You heard him." She whispered fiercely, not wanting her voice to carry over to the others. "Three days."

"Yeah, but he also said she was an old companion." Rory pointed out. "Who knows how close they were before they separated." He had made the same argument under the console earlier, kind of. They hadn't known about her status as a former companion then. River had refused to give them any details.

"But he said they ran into each other," She glanced over at Rose who now sat talking to River. "But he told us when he dropped us off that he had something to do, something important."

"You think he planned on picking her up?" Rory lifted his eyebrows, an incredulous look on his face.

"It must be." She bit her lip in thought. "Otherwise he would still go on about having to do whatever it was."

"Unless he's already done it" Rory sighed.

"In three days?" She huffed. "Unlikely." She shook her head. "No, he must have planned on getting her."

"Does it really matter?" Rory grabbed her arm to get her attention. "It's like she said, the TARDIS is big enough for all of us."

"Of course it matters." She muttered, looking back at Rose and River. She wanted to sound convincing, but she knew she was being stubborn. Not that she would admit that to Rory. "You've seen how close they are." She turned back to Rory. "They're acting like love-sick teenagers. Even River accused them of flirting." His eyes drifted away from hers to what she could only assume were Rose and River, and she knew he was starting to understand. "What if he decides that he no longer wants us here? That we are in the way."

"He wouldn't do that." He shook his head. "It's the Doctor we're talking about." He chuckled humourlessly. "He doesn't do domestics."

"We can only hope." Amy sighed. She was about to suggest they go over to them when the TARDIS shook violently.


Huffing out a sigh, Rose went back up to the console and sat down on the stairs again, watching Amy and Rory as they walked a little ways away to talk in private.

"She'll come around, you know." Rose looked to the side and found River standing just below the stairs. "She just needs time to get used to it."

"Yeah," She nodded. "I know exactly what she's going through. Met one of the Doctor's old companions once myself."

"Really? Which one?" Rose was a little surprised by the true honesty in River's voice. She might be the Doctor's future wife, but Rose found it hard to actually hate her. She didn't know her enough for that.

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