If We Hold On Together

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Okay, so I'm back. I know I'm almost two weeks late with my deadline but I wasn't able to sit down at my computer until today cause of unforeseen events.

This is the first part of the two-parter I promised last chapter. It takes place during "the girl who waited". I said that I wouldn't post until I had finished both parts but honestly, I haven't started on the second part yet. But setting a deadline did help me so I will do that for the next part as well so you don't have to wait too long. The deadline will be the end of August. So I will have the entire summer to write. Hopefully I will be able to write the follow up chapter as well before then. I will post the next part earlier if I finish it sooner.


If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
Where clouds roll by, for you and I


There is a fountain
Washes our tears all away
Words are swaying
Someone is praying
Please let us come home to stay

~Diana Ross


"Welcome to Apalapucia!" The Doctor opened the doors wide and gestured around the sterile white room with a flourish of his arms.

"Not exactly sunsets and spires, Doctor." Rose teased.

"Well, obviously we've landed somewhere inside." He grumbled, pulling out his sonic to get a reading of the room.

"Looks like a hospital, or an office building." Jack frowned.

"Maybe we should take a look what's behind the doors?" Rory suggested.

"Excellent idea, Rory." The Doctor took two big strides towards the set of grey double doors just as Amy poked her head out of the TARDIS doors.

"Has anyone seen my phone?"

"I think I saw it in the galley earlier." Rose answered before the Doctor could start his usual spiel about mobile phones and other planets and how you should focus on the now instead of worrying about Twitter. "I'll help you look."

"Hurry up!" The Doctor called after them.

"He really should learn to relax." Amy muttered, before glancing at Rose with a wicked grin. "Maybe you could help him with that?"

"Huh?" Rose frowned before realisation hit her. "Eww, Amy." She grimaced.

"What?" Amy feigned innocence. "I thought you wanted to share his bed."

"No! I mean, yes... I mean... Argh." She huffed. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Fine." Amy opened the door to the galley, spotted her phone on the counter, and then turned back to the hallway where Rose waited. "But we will talk about it eventually."


"Yes." Amy grabbed her arm and half-pulled her towards the console room. "You clearly need someone to talk to about all this, and when you're ready I'm here."

"Whatever." Rose broke free from her grip and walked a bit ahead of her. Amy watched her with a speculative look, suddenly hit by a thought.

"You're not a virgin, are you?" She asked as they stepped out of the TARDIS and into the now empty white room.

"Course not." Rose stopped just outside the doors, giving her a look of incredulity. "Not that it's any of your business."

"Just checking." Amy mumbled as she walked past her and up to the grey doors. "It's locked!" She called out.

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