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I'm sorry it's taken me this long, to be honest I have a bad case of writers block for this particular story and I haven't written anything since July except for like a fourth of chapter 23. The thing is that I finished this chapter and the next in July and decided to post if as to not leave you hanging for too long and thus breaking my rule for three finished chapters before posting. I will post the next chapter sometime in a few weeks. After that I don't know when the next update will be. I will probably go on a hiatus until I get feeling for the story again, but hopefully it won't come to that. My course in school right know is 9-16 everyday with 1-2 hours travel back and forth which leaves little energy and time for writing. My next course starting November will be more work at home as will my Master's dissertation in the spring so hopefully I will write a bit then when I need a break from fact searches etc.

I might write for another fandom for a while just to get the feeling back, but I don't know. I will let you know how I feel when I post the next chapter in October. I'll probably shorten the story in any case and skip some episodes and clumping together some. Maybe do flashbacks or time-skips. Sticking with the important ones at least.

I hope you understand and that you will stick with me even though the updates will be far between.

No Beta.


Chapter 21 Uncover


Nobody sees, nobody knows,
We are a secret can't be exposed.
That's how it is, that's how it goes,
Far from the others, close to each other.

~Zara Larsson


"Why didn't you tell me about Mickey?" Rose panted as she dived behind an upturned table.

"Now?" The Doctor raised his delicate eyebrows as he crouched down beside her, his back against the underside of the table. "This isn't the time to have this conversation, Rose."

"I'm with the Doc on this one," Jack cut in as he fired of his blaster while he backed towards their table, and then quickly made his way around and behind it.

"You might be right," Rose huffed as a lightbeam flew over her head. "But I want the truth, Doctor, no more stalling. As soon as we're back in the TARDIS I want you to tell me everything."

"Fine." The Doctor reluctantly agreed. He had managed to avoid that particular topic for a week now, using Jack as a distraction.

"Guys," Jack's voice was a few octaves too high. "We have a more pressing matter to attend to."

"Right." The Doctor nodded, turning around so he could look over the table.




"I'll create a distraction while you two run for the left hallway." Jack stood up without waiting for an answer and started firing at the three Daleks. "RUN!"

The Doctor took Rose's hand and pulled her towards the hallway opposite the Daleks, the two of them running until they could no longer breathe. Even the Doctor's respiratory bypass was nearly depleted. But somehow they made it all the way to the TARDIS, and without missing a beat, the Doctor let go of Rose's hand and continued up to the console.

Rose stayed by the door, panting heavily as she leaned against the wall as the Doctor typed in the coordinates that landed them right where Jack was, easily bringing his lifeless body inside while leaving the three Daleks outside.

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