Broken parts

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Okay, so this is my very first attempt on a Doctor Who story so be nice.

It will be a rewrite of season six and seven with original adventures in between the episodes. Don't know yet if I will go on to season eight, might just make it into an epilogue.

It's Rose/Eleven centred but it will be a slow-build so be patient. River will still have a big part of the story so there will be no bashing. I will just change her role with the Doctor a bit. I like her as a character so that's why.

The chapter is beta:ed by my dear friend Sam who is both a native Englishman and a whovian so you're in good hands.

Now on with the show =D


Chapter 1 Broken Parts


I might have shown
Too many faces,
Out with the old

Here's where it changes
Here's to our brand new start,
I won't be waiting for nothing.
I'll mend the broken parts.

~Måns Zelmerlöv


Using his sonic screwdriver, the Doctor managed to lock the hatch and prevent the Dalek from following them downstairs. It had been a close call, but he already knew from his future self that he had more time left before he got shot so he wasn't worried.

"Doctor, come on." River urged him on but he shushed her, glancing quickly at her aimed gun. He wished not for the first time that she wouldn't be so obsessed with it, especially after what she had done with his beloved fez, but in a way he was thankful for the protection she could give Amy and Rory while he was gone.

"It's moving away, finding another way in." He explained as he finally climbed down the ladder. "It needs to restore its power before it can attack again. Now, that means we've got exactly," He checked his watch more as a habit than anything else, his Time lord senses already telling him the exact time he had left. "Four and a half minutes before it's at lethal capacity." He gave them all a reassuring smile before hurrying down the stairs.

"How do you know?" Rory questioned and the Doctor sighed internally. Why can they never pay attention?

"Because that's when it's due to kill me." Without waiting for a reaction he continued his way down the stairs, the other following closely behind.

"Kill you?" River's slightly worried voice called out behind him. "What do you mean, kill you?" Oh how he wished she would just...

"Oh, shut up, never mind." He gave in. "How can that Dalek even exist?" Now that was the real question, one he hoped they would be smart enough to understand. "It was erased from time and then it came back. How?" He asked as they made their way down the hallway and towards the exhibition hall.

"You said the light from the Pandorica..." Rory said, finally paying attention to something other than Amy.

"It's not a light; it's a restoration field, but never mind. Call it a light." He waved his hands dismissively as he realised it would be easier to just go with it. "That light brought Amy back, restored her," He stopped suddenly, waving his hands as he tried to emphasise his point. "But how could it bring back a Dalek when the Daleks have never existed?" He looked at Amy.

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