Kiss From a Rose

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I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to update, I blame writer's block and school. The updates will be far between for a while longer, but hopefully not as far as this one. I promised October and it's almost February. Sorry about that.

I hope part two will suffice you for a while. I can promise both happy and angry tears. Maybe a bit angsty as well. Directed at me for the most part I would guess.


Chapter 22 Kiss From A Rose


There is so much a man can tell you, so much he can say.

You remain my power, my pleasure, my pain, baby.
To me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny.
Won't you tell me is that healthy, baby?


Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the gray.
Ooh, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels, yeah.
Now that your rose is in bloom.
A light hits the gloom
On the gray.



The Doctor let Rose open the doors to the TARDIS as he leaned against her for support. He would never have shown his weakness like this to Amy or Rory, but he knew there was no fooling Rose. She could read him too well.

"Extractor fans on!" He grunted out as the doors closed behind him, and soon the smoke cleared away.

"Come on." Rose said and guided him to one of the jump seats. She crouched down in front of him, taking his hands in hers. "How are you feeling?" She asked softly.

"Not good." He admitted, his voice strained from the pain. "I'm shutting down. Going to need an interface."

"Activate voice interface." Rose spoke aloud and a hologram appeared before them in the form of his tenth self.

"Voice interface enabled." It said.

"Oh," He said dejectedly. "Couldn't it have gotten someone I like?"

"Don't be a child, Doctor." Rose shook her head and then turned to the interface. "How's his condition?"

"The Doctor's system has been contaminated by the poison of the Judas tree. He will be dead in 33 minutes." It said with a monotone voice. No likeness to his past body evident except for the accent.

"So he'll regenerate, right?" Rose asked the interface.

"Regeneration disabled." The interface answered. "He will be dead in 33 minutes."

"No," Rose shook her head. "You can regenerate." Rose turned to him. "You'll regenerate and heal yourself."

"I can't." He looked down at his lap. "This is my last incarnation. I don't have any regenerations left."

"No." She said fiercely and turned back to the interface. "Then we will find a cure." She told it, and even though her head was once again turned away from him, he could hear the unmistakable sound of her throat contracting from unshed tears as she spoke.

"There is no cure." The interface answered. "He will be dead in 32 minutes."

"Then what am I suppose to do?" Rose cried out and the Doctor reached and pulled her up on his lap. She burrowed her nose in the crook of his neck as her tears dampened his collar.

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