Beat It

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Chapter 9 Beat It


They told him, "Don't you ever come around here.
Don't wanna see your face. You better disappear."
The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it, just beat it


Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

~Michael Jackson


"Rose?" Rose woke to someone softly stroking her hair out of her forehead and she blinked open her eyes to find the Doctor staring down at her with a soft smile from where he sat at the edge of her bed.

"How long did I sleep?" She sat up with her back against the headrest, trying and failing to fight back a yawn.

"Not too long," He stood up and walked over to the mantelpiece and started rummaging through her collection of alien artefacts that she had collected since she began travelling with him. Though she supposed, all but two had actually been collected by the other her, but that was something she was trying to ignore and forget. "About four hours I would say. The Ponds are asleep."

"Does the mighty Time lord not know the exact time?" She teased, slipping out of bed and putting on her robe.

"Of course I know the exact time," He dropped the photo of her and her first Doctor back on the mantel and turned to her with a pout. "I always know the exact time."

"Then why 'ave you started to wear a watch?" She pointed at the big golden watch he for some reason wore on the inside of his wrist instead of the normal way.

"To look cool." He grinned goofily at her.

"Daft old man." She muttered with a shake of her head which only made him grin wider. "Alright, I need to get dressed so where are we going exactly?"

"To a party." He flung himself down on her bed, his legs hanging over the edges.

"Another one?" She frowned, thinking back to the last one only a month prior while she opened her cupboard to look what kind of dresses the TARDIS had provided for her this time.

"Oh, but this one's different." She heard him shuffle around on the bed and peeked a glance to see he had propped himself up on his elbow so he was lying on his side, watching her.

"Different how?" She fought down the blush threatening to erupt when she felt his eyes boring into her back, and forced herself to focus on the dresses.

"It's in Wales." He clapped his hands together, and this time she turned completely around to see him jump off the bed.

"Wales?" She raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

"Wales." He confirmed. "We're going to a royal feast, or more accurately, the engagement party of Prince Joffrey of Wales, second in line to the throne, and," He stuck his hand down into his jacket pocket and fished out the psychic paper. "I just so happen to have an invitation."


"Oh wow." The Doctor took in Rose's awestruck expression as they stepped into the royal hall, having successfully used the psychic paper to get in. They were now Dame Rose of the Powell Estate, and Sir Doctor of TARDIS, so not that far-fetched of a lie for once.

"Rose," He bumped his shoulder against hers, but only enough to get her attention.

"Yeah," She answered absent-mindedly, her eyes still roaming over the large ballroom with the high ceiling and golden chandelier hanging high above them. Couples from different houses and alien worlds were taking turns dancing and talking around them as they waited for the banquet to begin.

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