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"You're insane," Namjoon protests.

"That's what I tried telling her," Yoongi responds but cowers when I give him a glare.

"I know it's ridiculous," I start, "but right now it's the best that we got."

Jin furrows his brows. "I could see it working out the first time around, but won't they just block that exit off as soon as the first group goes first?"

I nod. "Honestly, I'm expecting it. Which is why I talked with Jimin and Taehyung before we all gathered here." The two boys mentioned nod in response and I give them both a smile. "The two of them spent a lot of time in this building before the attack. They both know it pretty well and we've already talked about other escape routes. This first one is just to give us a head start."

Namjoon sighs and Hoseok closes his eyes. "Again," Hoseok says, "you're insane."

I huff and quickly glance over at my guard standing just out of earshot. "Again, I know. But I don't see anyone else coming up with anything."

Jungkook looks down at the table as if he's trying to work everything out in his head. "So if we are leaving in groups and not altogether, then who do we decide goes first?"

I smile. "We've got that one figured out already. The ones taking the roof are gonna be you, Yoongi, Joon, and Jin."

Yoongi tenses next to me and I have to fight myself to not turn on him. It was quite the argument earlier and I know he's already made it clear he's not happy about leaving without me, but we both agreed it was for the best.

The others all give me unsure looks and I can tell that they're nervous. I sigh and take Jungkook and Hoseok's hands since they are the closest to me. "I know that leaving separately is less than ideal but you guys need to trust me. This will work."

"Kyu is never going to believe us, though," Hoseok says.

"He'll believe me, though," I retort. "He might not fully trust me yet but it's enough."

"Me too," Taehyung pipes up. "Kyu... He trusts me, too. Y/N is right. This is going to work."

They all exchange one more look just as the bell signalling bed time rings out. "We got this guys," I say in encouragement. "We are getting out of here."


My heart hammers in my chest as I watch the clock count slowly down to midnight. I shut my eyes tight and quickly pray that nothing goes wrong tonight. Kyu has made it perfectly clear to me that he doesn't really care what happens with the guys and my biggest worry is them hurting them in any way as they make their escape.

I wait about thirty minutes after midnight before trying to will myself to sleep but anxiety keeps me awake for most of the night. I must have fallen asleep at some point, though, because suddenly I'm waking up to someone banging on my door.

Frazzled, I quickly make my way to the door and open it. Two guards stand in front of me, their large guns placed firmly in their hands and against their chest. They nod at me to follow them and I do as I'm told. They lead me to Kyu's office and beckon me inside. Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok already sit on the couch and we exchange nervous looks.

Kyu's seat is currently empty but soon the door is opening again and the older man walks swiftly to his desk. I swallow and try to regain myself. If I'm going to get this man to believe me I can't break under the pressure.

"W-what's going on?" I stammer out and look between the guys and Kyu.

Taehyung leans forward and looks down. "Yoongi last night... Him and the others..."

"They left," Hoseok pipes up.

My eyes go wide in fake surprise. "They left?"

Taehyung nods. "We tried to stop them-"

"Enough," Kyu firmly says and we all turn to him. "Don't think for a second that I'm believing this little show."

I furrow my brows and look away. "What show? And what do you mean that they left?"

Jimin shakes his head and snickers. "You know, Y/N, I tried to tell you that is what Yoongi is like. All he does is turn his back on us and thinks about only himself. He started going off last night about how we need to get out of here and some other bullshit like that."

I glare at the blonde boy. "Why? Isn't leaving impossible?"

Kyu slams a fist on his desk. "I said enough," he snaps while glaring at me. "How did they escape?"

"Now how could I possibly know that?" I counter. "I didn't even know Yoongi was planning something."

Jimin laughs now. "Right," he scoffs. "Like you don't have Yoongi wrapped tightly around your finger. I'm telling you, Kyu. She's gotta know something."

I feign anger, thinking about all the times that Yoongi and Jimin fought over me in attempt to work myself up. "Well apparently not enough because I literally have no idea what any of you guys are talking about."

I turn to Kyu now. "Where are they now?"

Kyu sits back with a sigh, rubbing his hands over his face. "I was hoping you would tell me that."

"She's already said she didn't know he was planning on leaving," Taehyung counters. "How would she know where they went?"

Kyu gives us each individual looks and all I can think, is he sees right through us.

Taehyung looks back to Kyu. "When Yoongi told us he was leaving, we really did try to stop him. He convinced the others to go with him and that we couldn't trust Y/N anymore."

I shake my head and sit down text to Tae.  "I can't believe he would just risk his and others lives like this... Doesn't he know this is the safest place to be right now?"

Kyu raises an eyebrow at this but doesn't respond and Jimin cuts in. "He's too blinded by the past," he says. "He's letting his own hatred get the best of him."

Kyu coughs. "So none of you really know where he's gone?" We all shake our heads in unison. He ponders this for a moment before nodding. "Very well. I'll believe you - for now. I've already got men looking out there for them."

"What will you do if you find them?" I ask and Kyu looks away from me with a sad look.

"I told them to do whatever is necessary," he says before changing the subject. "Return to your rooms for now. And Y/N, we'll talk more later."

We all nod and leave the office. After a moment of walking down the hall, we all let out large sighs.

"Now what?" Hoseok whispers and I shrug.

"We wait, I guess," I reply and Jimin takes my hand, giving it a squeeze.

"It's gonna be okay," Jimin says. "We'll figure this out."

I nod. Now we just wait to make sure that Kyu and his men don't find the others. As soon as it's clear it's our turn to get out of here. I just hope that they are all okay. And that I knew how much longer the rest of us would be here for.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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