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The next six days go by in a blur, my plan of running away seeming farther and farther away the longer I stay. My first day I worked with Yoongi as trash duty, my second with Jungkook as gardener, my third with Hoseok watching the kids while the adults work, and my fourth with Jin doing laundry. My fifth day was my least favorite, which was cleaning bathrooms and showers with Namjoon. Yesterday was spent cleaning the large building with Taehyung, which I came to learn really fast that Taehyung prefers making a game out of everything, resulting in us barely getting anything done. I'm not complaining though.

Today though, I work with Jimin. I follow him into the brick building along with Taehyung who waves us off as he heads to do his job. Jimin and I enter an elevator and he presses a button. "So," I draw out the 'o' as I clasp my hands behind my back. "What's todays job?"

Jimin leans against the metal box. "We're in lab duty."

"Lab duty?" That's not what I think it is... Is it? Last time I worked in a lab, I was slaved over charts and testing tubes. I have to keep myself from shuddering at the memory

Jimin nods as the elevator doors open with a ding. We walk down a long white hallway and enter through a set of double doors at the end. Inside there's a bunch of tables, lab equipment cluttering them all. Men in white lab coats and goggles walk around, either looking at clipboards or a computer screen.

"You guys get enough electricity for those to function?" I ask. Not even the last camp I was in had that kind of power. Everything was written on paper or left to memory.

Jimin beams. "Pretty cool, huh?" I nod in agreement as I follow him to the other end of the room.

"What do we do exactly?" I ask, but before Jimin can answer, an older man comes over and smiles wide.

"You'll be assisting anyone that needs it," he answers. His voice is deep and he looks oddly familiar. His eyes are thin with bushy, gray eyebrows resting on top. His gray hair is styled neatly on top of his head. When he smiles, only his top teeth show, his lips hiding the bottom part of his jaw.

"Min Ku," he nods his head and I do the same. "You must be the Y/N that I've heard so highly of."

Realization hits me and my eyes go wide. "You're Yoongi's grandfather."

"Correct," he says, still smiling.

I bow my head down. "My apologies for forgetting my respects, sir."

He laughs and places a hand on my shoulder. "No worries, my dear. Any friend of my grandson is a friend of mine."

I smile and nod. "Of course," I say. "You said we will be assisting any one that needs help?" The older man nods. "What do we do until then?"

He shrugs. "Jimin can show you around for now. After that, you may do as you please just as long as you're not disrupting anyone's work."

Jimin grabs my hand and begins pulling me away. "Thank you, hyungnim. We'll let you get back to work."

"Of course," the elder says, waving us off. "It was lovely finally meeting you, Y/N."

Jimin pulls me through a side door and down another hallway. "Where are we going now?"

He grins. "I want to show you something." My hand still in his, he guides me to a staircase and we rush up a couple flights before coming to another set of double doors. He lets go of my hand to push them open, but grabs it once more as we walk out of them.

We stand on the roof of the building, the camp laid out in front of us. Beyond we can see the abandoned neighborhood and a little ways past that. "Wow," I admire. "This is amazing."

He nods. "They don't usually need me down there, so I just spend most of my time up here."

"Wouldn't that get boring, though? What do you usually do?"

He shrugs and walks over to the edge and flings his legs over. My heart leaps into my throat as he sits down on the edge, overlooking the whole camp. He turns to me and laughs. "Come on," he says, patting the spot next to him. "It's not as bad as it looks." I walk over and tentatively sit down, taking one leg at a time. Once I'm comfortable, I notice a small ledge and sigh in relief.

"See?" Jimin muses, his eyes twinkling and I smile. "And as the answer to your question, I usually just sit here and watch everyone. It's calming, really. You learn a lot from watching."

I raise an eyebrow. "So you just sit here and watch everyone work? Seems kind of unfair if you ask me."

He laughs some more. "Sometimes I take a nap."

I shake my head. "So incredibly unfair."

He sighs and takes my hand once more. "Yeah. I know. I feel bad most days. But Min Ku doesn't make me do anything else. If I try to be helpful when not needed down there, I just get in the way and everyone gets irritated. I've found it's best to just stay out of the way."

"Do they ever come looking for you?"

"Occasionally, but not often." Jimin looks at our intertwined fingers and begins to rub his thumb over the back of my hand. The motion makes my heart flutter and I have to keep myself from smiling. "It's nice having someone else up here with me."

I swallow, my throat having gone dry as his eyes meet mine. "I-I'm glad." He smiles and looks away. My eyes move back to the camp. People go about their day, doing their jobs. From here I can see Hoseok and a couple others try to keep the children under control at one side of the camp. On the other, Jungkook is bent down over the gardens, probably gathering food for tonight's dinner.

My eyes wander around until they land on a certain dark-haired boy. He leans against a trailer, facing the building Jimin and I sit upon. He appears to be taking a break, but I can't shake the feeling that he's looking at the two of us, our hands interwined and our shoulders touching. I hadn't even noticed Jimin moving closer to me.

I look over and meet Jimin's eyes again, his brown irises boring into mine. He smiles. "You're pretty." I blush and he leans over to kiss me on the cheek. The feeling is soft and I feel a swarm of butterflies burst in my stomach as he lingers there, his breath hot on my cheek. He pulls away and looks back out to the camp with a sigh.

My eyes go back to where I had seen Yoongi, but he's gone now, lost in the sea of homes and people. The butterflies are replaced with a stone in my stomach, though I can't exactly describe the feeling that I'm feeling now. Guilt maybe?

He probably didn't even see Jimin kiss you. Besides, why does it matter? You hate him, remember?

Why does it matter? I'm leaving soon anyways. Keep telling yourself that, Y/N. I sigh and look down. If you really are going to leave, you should do it soon.

I'll leave tonight then, I think to myself. If not tonight, then when? I can't be stuck here forever.

I look over to Jimin who is now leaning back on his hands, his eyes closed up to the sun. I smile sadly. Maybe forever wouldn't be so bad.

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