
12 1 0

Erase us
The spark between two liers
A hatred that can light four fires
A promise
Already broken from the beginning
You know how to sway someone
A loser
A hypocrite
Narcissistic animal

Jagged teeth tear apart the flesh
You wish to consume
Over run
I'm not your follower
Or your pawn
Unlike your dirty ass spawn
I wont love the dirty tricks you pulled
I'm not dense like your other lovers
The sweet cloying flavor of your soft
Fragile tounge

Your ego crumbles to quickly


"Why the fuck are we breathing
What's the point of excersizing our bodies
When no one can exercise their mind?"

You so fucking bittersweet
Made a home in my veins
Sucking away the thing that makes me sane.

Open up my chest and crush my
Beating heart
Watch my crimson blood stain that pure white floor
I want you to taste me
Let me invade your cavities
To poison your very existence
I wanna be the last thing you taste baby.

The Unwanted Words (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now