The First Person

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Ever thought about someone
Who could twist your arm till you gave in
Or they way their eyes look like an overflowing ocean when they cry.
About a boy whos hair is the first thing you see when you see that picture on instagram
40,000 miles away baby. But I cant touch that beautiful face.
Their voice could intrance you. Or that laugh. Ah that laugh. It makes me laugh too.
Their smile. Oh their smile. How it blinds me. But you can keep blinding me. As long as its you.
40,000 miles away baby. But I cant feel your beautiful face.
It hurts me.
But im just a crybaby
Crying over a beautiful boy
Who could do better then me.
40,000 miles away baby
And you chose me?
Ever wondered about what their favriote flavor of ice cream is.
I love strawberry.
But Ill have vanilla if thats what you want.
Hey you. The person who commented on their post.
Yeah you.
Their MINE.
Oh. You ignored me.
I never even typed out the words.
Vanilla ice cream.
Yeah vanilla ice cream.
Thats what you are baby
Simple and sweet.
And i cant get enough of you.
But were 40,000 miles away
And I cant even say I love you....

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