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Is crumbling
Down to the core of my being
I quake at your words
The feeling that I failed you
And now I cant redeem myself
It hurts
Every single memory I hold now
It hurts
I'm sure you think
Your the only one truely suffering
But just hearing your name
Or what your doing
Without me
The bittersweet love we held
It's only one sided
Because the love of my life


I miss you
I want to just hold you
Love you tenderly
I want to soak up your pain
And hold it inside me
I just wanna fix us
But you keep swaying away
And coming back
Like someone who says they dont
Want me
But still needs me
I want you. I need you.
Just give me a chance to prove it
Just once
Let me love you like I should of
I bet these words are empty to you
Very empty. And meaning less
I feel the tears slipping down my cheeks
A reminder I fucked up
And you took the impact of my judgment.

A harsh, cold judgement cause I ran away from my thoughts.
Now the consequences
Are mine
And your love keeps diminishing
I guess I deserve everything
The love of my life.
And his warmth
His smile
His voice.
I cant do it without him
It just
I love you.
But..I hurt you.
And I can't fix it
I write this as a confession.
Even when it hurts.

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