When The Night Comes

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It creeps.
Slowly and very very quietly
The soft breathing in the other room
It envelopes your thoughts doesnt it.
The stars are hidden behind blinds.
You can't see them but they whisper to you softly.
"Its okay."
"No its not."
You always deny their words of comfort.
You can be stoic.
Emotionless when needed.
But not tonight
Salty tears stain your lips.
Shhh dont let them hear you.
Hide your feelings
They make you weak.
The white washed walls mirror
The pure thoughts
The thoughts that got stained black
It hurts
But your good at hiding behind a mask
A painted mask that you designed
To hide a part of you that you supress
You just want to be loved
That's all you ask.
Soon you can be
And you will.

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