6 feet

6 0 0

(This poem was inspired by the Pandemic and just too all the people who wanna see that person that you just can't yet reach rn)

It used to be okay
When I could touch you with the palm
Of my hand

It used to be okay
That you could sit in the passenger
Of my car

It used to be okay that I could hold another day, with you
Before it became 6 feet.

Now it's just
Lonely without your voice
It feels like I cant hear my thoughts
Surrounded by isolation
A fear that lingers outside
But that's because of 6 feet

I miss the days where we could run around without a care
Before a virus polluted our air-
Funny how things get out a hand
So were stuck at 6 feet

The stars seem so closer
But they are closer then you
I wanna touch their beauty
As much as I miss you
So I'll wait at 6 feet

So far
Yet so fucking close
Just an arms length away
Yet I cant hold you another day
I can only love you...
At 6 feet.

The Unwanted Words (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now