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Rose's are red.
Violets are blue
Life isn't happy
Unless its with you
Oh how cheesy those lines are
Like a picture book
Colorful and full of promise

The hues of those colors
A bright purple they make
Its spreads over the pages
Engulfing the white
Making it stained
And unsure
But perfect in it's own way

Red is that gown you wear
With black stilettos
The pearls glistening on that tanned skin
Red is the anger
The hate
What was left of that red dress
It twirls away into another red Stained thought

Blue is the sky
Which I found you under
The ocean that crashed
On that yellow grain sand
Blue is your eyes
It lights up under the
Hot white sun
Blue is that side walk chalk
You draw with
Making those pictures on the cool

It's a mix of blue and red
Memories make up this color
The purple lipstick
You thought
Was quirky and fun
Purple is the flowers you planted in
The black shade
Beautiful purple Iris
Purple is you.
A mix of hues
Blue and Red

The Unwanted Words (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now