Chapter 50: Powering up Gas Works

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Chapter 50: Powering up Gas Works

Cole stood in front of the substation, pacing as Cassie was sitting on top if it. Then he stops and he makes the call to his friend. "Zeke. I'm about to bring power online here in the Gas Works." Cole informs him as Cassie jumps off the substation. "Alright, I got your backs. You're gonna get tagged by a couple of ice dudes on your way in. might want to clear them out while you're at it." Zeke warns him. Cassie smiles. "We'll be careful Zeke, thanks for the warning," she said to him. "Yeah, copy that." Cole chuckles.

Cole then fires the electric arrow and it flew out over Flood Town, over the river, and in the Gas Works, he then nails and Ice Heavy on the roof of a warehouse, taking him out and it towards the rails and took out the ice heavy that was walking on it. Then the right towards the substation, hitting and the electricity powers it. "You better get a move on," Zeke informs him. Cole pulls away and they both glide to a roof and they ran along with it, jumping over the gap and grind on the powers-lines.

Then they jump over the road and land in the Gas Works location and just like always their bodies were craving for more electricity. "The Gas Works is basically just a big industrial zone. Bertrand's oil and shipping interests really made their mark." Zeke informs him as Cassie tossed the iceman to the side and Cole handed her a blast shard. "Sure is nice," Cole mutters as he absorbs the blast shard in his hand. They then ran and climb up the wall and onto the platform, running up to the transformer and they activate it with their powers. The electricity course over their bodies as the icemen then closed in. "It's them. The prime Conduits!" one of them shouts, but Cassie threw a vortex at them, throwing them up in the air and they smack against the ground. "They're activating the substation!" another shouts.

Then Cole threw out Ionic freeze, freezing them, then Cassie threw out rockets keeping them back, "We will be whole! You can't stop us!" one shouts, "Shut up!" Cassie shouts at them as she threw out grenades. Then the substation began to overcharge and let out a strong pulse and it kill all the ice men coming at them. "That's one!" Cole states, then grips the side of the substation and fires out an electric arrow. It flew out as Cole directs it through the Works and it hit Ice Crusher after Ice Crusher, then on top of an oil station and it hits the transformer and it was charged to be powered on. Cole pulls away from the substation and he took over and Cassie was not too far behind from him.

They jumped off the platform and glides back onto the oil station, avoiding the grounds, in the hopes of avoiding the ice men that were stationed on the ground. "Hey, Zeke, this place is crawling with Ice Conduits," Cole informs him. "Yeah, Laroche's spies say they took over most of the district." Zeke states. As Cassie pulls him up. "Yeah, does Bertrand come out here anymore?" Cole asks him as he stops the transformer. "There have been a few recent sightings. Even under fire, he managed to keep his businesses running." Zeke states and Cole smirks to himself. "Oh, Good. I was hoping to run into him," he states and Cassie smirks at him as well. The collected blast shards in the air, getting stronger and stronger. Then they pulled themselves up onto the station and activated the transformer. But this gets the attention of the icemen and they both fired to keep the substation safe from their hands.

"Kill them! Without then, we'll have a power source!" one shouts at the icemen, "Try it!"' Cassie dares them as she fired at the icemen, then both her and Cole stood back to back as the icemen surrounded them, but the transformer began to overcharge and sent out a pulse, killing all the icemen. Cassie exhales as she lowers her arm and turns to Cole. He nods at her then grips the side of the substation and fires out the arrow and guides it through the last parts of the works, taking out the ice crushers, from the buildings to the ground, to the docks and finally hitting that last substation. "Last one, Cole! Make it count." Zeke informs him.

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