Chapter 11: The Sidekick & Gunboat Diplomacy

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Chapter 11: The Sidekick & Gunboat Diplomacy

Cole and Cassandra glide down to a roof, they look around for any of the Militiamen to beat up or to save anyone from. But Cassie stops as she saw a man waving at them, she pats Cole's shoulder and he looks over a well, they both jump off the roof and then glide down to the lower roof and walks up to the man. "I just want to help you. I can handle myself in a fight. Give me a chance, and I'll prove myself to you." he informs them and the two exchanged looks, Cassie was a bit skeptical allowing someone to get themselves involved with conduits, knowing that they didn't have any powers like them.

But then the mutants showed up and the man panics, "No, no, no, help me!" he cries out and cowers. Cassie just frowns -Handle himself in a fight, huh?- she restates his statement, he was then knocked right off the roof and the mutants came after them, but they pull out their weapons and then they fought, Cole swung his Amp as Cassie cracks her whip, sending them over the edge, falling to their deaths or were cut down, then Cassie charges her whip and spun. Hitting any mutant that it came into contact with, shocking them and then killing them. Cole headbutted the last one and it went flying over, killing it. They then place their weapons away and jump down to the man that was still alive, "You're going to be okay." Cole assures him, healing him, he got back up and sulks, Cassie walks up to him and pats his shoulder and assures him that he doesn't need to fight monsters to be a hero. This cheers him up a little and he walks off. Cassie waves bye at him, she then ran up to Cole they walk off.


The walk along the street, walking, laughing, taking pictures and Cassie recorded for the hell of it. Cole just laughs, glad that he had a rascal like her in his life, but they stop as a man in a hat and shades was waving at them from the alley, the two exchanged looks then Cassie stops recording and then they both ran over, across the street and into the alley, "Dumb rednecks keep firing at us from their boats! ain't there something you can do?" he asks them, the two things for a moment and then nods, "Let's go kill some rednecks." Cole states and Cassie just shrugs. "Yeah, let's go." she agree and they ran out of the alley. They then glide across the road and ran along the sidewalk, next to the river and saw the boat that was firing grenade launchers, they jump off the concrete then onto wood that was sticking out of the ground, they fired their bolts at the boat as it was making a turnaround.

The boat got close enough then Cassie jumps, glides onto the boat and whips out her whips and took them all out, some shot at her, but they just got a swift kick in the face, one aims at her, but Cole jumps down and slams his Amp right on the man, Cassie turns and saw that Cole had joined her, she nods at him and the finished off all the Militia on the boat, but the ship then started to tilt and they were leaning to the side, trying to keep balance. Then they look over and saw that land was close to them and they jump from the sinking boat and glide over onto the land and the drop to the land and ran back onto the soiled ground, then they turned back and looks at the boat. They both were panting and then looked at each other. They exhaled at the same time then shakes their heads, "Water, why does it always have to be water?" she questions herself, Cole just places his hands on his hips and exhales to himself.

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