Chapter 16: Changing the Channel & Trick Photography

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Chapter 16: Changing the Channel & Trick Photography

The two sat on a roof looking down at the roundabout, Cassie was leaning forward kicking her legs as she listening to the boring shows. Cole was laying back, with one leg pulled up and the other just swaying softly, completely ignoring them. Then his phone went off, he exhales then pulls himself up and answers it, "Ah, nothing but Bertrand propaganda. Whew, that's crap! let's show these folks some real entertainment. Disable some TV dishes around there, and I should be able to hack the feed." Zeke informs them.

Cassie stretches arms out and then she pulls herself up and pulls Cole up as well, "Alright, you go one way, I got the other, and don't touch the ground." Cole tells her, she just smiles at him, nods and the ran in opposite directions, they ran around the area, finding the dishes and draining them of electricity, some of the Militia didn't like that so they tried to stop them, but Cassie stops as she hung on the side of a building, looks at them, then she raised her hands and fired at them a couple of times, sending them to the ground. She then smirks at her and jumps over to the next dish.

Once they were all drained they pulled themselves back up on the rooftops. "Great! Get closer to the screen so you can watch me work my magic." Zeke said to them on the line. They both looked at each other then ran for the edge of the roof, jumps off, glides over to the next one and then they ran across it, jumps to the next one and then stood atop the big screen. "Almost got it. Just a few more wires. Press play. We are live!" Zeke shouts and the two raced around the area and sat down with the screen in perfect view, an old cartoon came on and Cassie smiles as little as Cole shook his head at the cartoon, Cassie crosses her legs then rested her chin on her hands and watches the cartoon. "Ha, you remember this? Not that's entertainment." Zeke laughs. Cole shook his head laughing as Cassie was entertained.


Militia men fired on them, but Cassie sent the rockets back at them as Cole peeks out and was firing at them, Cassie then pulls out a sticky bomb, Cole pulls back and looks at her, she looks at him and nods, they switched places and she threw the bomb at them, it stick to the RPG, he panics and tries to run away, but it blew up, taking him and his men with him, they both peek out and looked at them, seeing that they were going to feel that in the morning.

They step out and looked at them. "I am so glad I'm not them." Cassie states and Cole nods at her. But then her phone went off, she looks down at her hip and answers the call. "Hey, you still have that camera, right?" Zeke asks her, "Yeah, I always keep it on me." Cassie answers him, "There are a few buildings in the Red Light District I'd like to have on file." Zeke informs her, but she shot a skeptical look at Cole, he just shrugs at her and they both ran through the neighborhood, passing the building, running through the alley and arrived at the park, she looks around holding her camera in her hands, then saw the can can sin building, she walks up to the monument that was in the center of the park, then aims her camera, aiming high on the boat that was on top and the neon light girls on either side of the boat, she then took a snap and then she lower camera and looks at the two theaters, and kept looking at them. -The small one or the big one?- she asks herself when she reads the words on the small one, giggles a little and then snaps a shot.

Cole chuckles as he watches her from afar, but then her phone went off, she places her camera on her hip and then answers her phone. "We got monsters and Militia at it again. Hey, this could be a golden opportunity to study these mothers in action." Zeke informs her, she ends the call and looks at Cole, he nods at her and the ran for the building, pulls themselves up and ran to the showdown, they look down and saw that it was too far away, "I need to get closer." she tells him and he looks at her as if she was crazy, but she gave him his determination look and show that she was serious. He just sighs at her and picks her, up. "Get good shots." he informs her, she nods at him and he then jumps in mid-air, Cassie raised her camera and got a ready good shot, "Yes!" she mutters as they fell to the ground and he lands on his feet, "Next I need the Reaver charging," she informs him, he exhales and they move out of the way, then the Reaver growls at the Militia then charges at them, Cassie got the shot as it rams at the redneck. She laughs and lowers her camera, "Finally I need to get a photo of a fallen Militiaman." she said to him and one smack at their feet, they look down at him and Cassie aims her camera. The man groans as he was holding his stomach, "Smile." she mocks and took the shot. They both laugh and Cole sets her on her feet and she places her camera back on her hip and they looked at the reaver, they both smirked at it and readied themselves.

The reaver charges at them as they charged at it, firing their bolts at it, Cole slides under it as Cassie flips over it, firing at it's back as he was firing at its underbelly, it cries out in pain as it loses balance and slides on its side. Then Cassie threw a bomb at it, finishing it off. "Maybe those monster images will expose a weakness. don't lose that camera, it's starting to pan out." Zeke informs her, Cassie smiles as she then stretches her arms out, "Well, that was fun." she mutters and Cole places his hands on his hips and shook his head at her.

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