Chapter 6: Down with Disco Fever

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Chapter 6: Down with Disco Fever

Cole and Cassandra collected blast shards, powering themselves up and preparing themselves for when the Beast arrives. Cassandra took some pictures any chance she could get, even records. Then Cole's phone went off. Then Cole's phone went off, they stop and Cole answers it, "Hey, man. You hear that hippy-ass bucket drummer? I hate that crap." Zeke informs them, Cassandra covers her mouth and withhold her giggles. "Do everyone a favor and put the fear of God onto any street performer you find," Zeke tells him and Cassandra tilts her head to the side. "Didn't know you hate the arts, pal." Cole states as he shrugs at Cassandra, "I just don't like being forced to listen to their music. Seriously, who does?" Zeke asks then, "Well, don't listen to them, Zeke. Not all musician we know on the radio have all the tech, they had to start simple, lick banging sticks on the bottom of a bucket, they all had to start somewhere." Cassandra tells him and Cole just laughs.

Zeke was silent on the other end, "Zeke... hey, Zeke. Gets some ice, you just got burned." Cole laughs. "Whatever," he grumbles and hung up. Cole just cracks up laughing, Cassandra turns the camera on him, "What? What did I say that was so funny?" she asks him, he shook his head and took the camera turning it to her, "You, my friend are hilarious. That was good." he laughs and Cassandra rolls her eyes then her phone rings, "Must be Kuo." she states and answers it, "I keep hearing your names around town, Cole, it's gonna be impossible to be anonymous much longer. People will start asking for help everywhere you go." Kuo informs them, "Well, that's another reason why we're here, to help people." Cassandra informs him and Cole stops the recording, "Okay, let's just hurry and find Wolfe." Cole informs her and Kuo sighs. "I'm still on it. In the meantime, I think you should try flexing your powers a bit. Head for these coordinates." she tells them and Cassandra hung up, "Shall we?" she asks him and he handed back her camera, "Let's move." he states and they both took off.


Nighttime came and Cole and Cassandra stood on the room as a disco was happening in a square by the warehouse and everyone was partying. Then they jump down and walks into the party, "See Cole? What did I tell you? It's a good ol' fashion rave." Zeke informs them. Cole was smirking as Cassandra was just looking around, "Haha, yeah! They've got a disco ball! You should get down here!" Cole shouts, then he started dancing, Cassandra just watches him and shrugs then started to dance herself.

They were having a blast, dancing and swaying to the music but then they suddenly went lightheaded and Cassandra places her hand on her forehead and groans in pain a little "Whoa... what was that?" Cole asks, "I need to sit down for a moment." she mutters, going to fall, but Cole catches her and walks over to the ledge and sat her down. "What happened?" she asks him. "I don't know." he answers her then Zeke calls them, "Oh my gosh! Look at the disco ball, Cole!" Zeke calls out to them and they both looked up. Seeing that it started to move, "What the hell?!" Cassandra questions, "It's moving towards people!" Zeke shouts, "What?!" Cassandra shouts as she stood up suddenly, but then wobbles in her spot. "Oh... bad idea." she mutters and sat back down, "Cassie, let me take care of this." Cole tells her and she nods at him, "Okay..." she mutters and Cole stood right up, the thing flew over right directly above a few people and they were turned to dust, but not without the people screaming in blood-curling pain, Cassandra gasp as she covers her mouth. Cole was just in shock. "They're gone! That disco ball just disintegrated those people!" Cole shouts. "You gotta do something brother! Grab a Propane tank and throw it at the thing!" Zeke shouts at him, Cassandra looks around then saw a propane tank right next to her, she slowly stood up and uses her telekinesis and threw it right at the Disco ball.

But it just moves again and Cassandra quickly limps away and to a building and started to climb. "It's moving again! I don't think you can hurt it until it's shield stops spinning!" Zeke warns him. Cole groans as he rolls his eyes and then picks up another tank and waited, then the shield stops and he threw the tank, knocking off a light, then he ran over and picks up another tank and he waited for the shield to come down, the circles stop spinning and he threw the tank, knocking off another light, Cassandra giggles, but then stops as she saw that the Militia were coming in. "Oh no, Cole! The Militia!" she calls out to him, he shot a look up at her then looks around him, seeing that they were surrounding him, "I have to help him." she states then jumps from the roof, landing on the ground then raises her hands and fired at them, Cole looks at her as she staggers a little. "Cassie!" he calls out, but she ignored him, collecting herself and threw more lighting blast at them, Cole growls as he was a little angry then he picks up a tank, aims it at the disco as the shields stop and he fires it, Cassandra joins in as they both were throwing propane tanks at it.

But the Militia came in and Cassandra threw hammerheads at them, taking them down, they fired at her and she dodges them, Cole just threw the propane tanks at the disco ball and one more light got to knock off. "Nice job Cole! Looks like it's making a run for it! Chase that sucker down!" Zeke tells them and both climb up the building, once they reach the top they saw the Disco ball was half gone, "Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go!" Cassandra mutters as she ran forward, lands in a power-line then she shot forward, Cole followed after her, they both jump over the gap and they use their thrusters flying over, but they land on the ground and continued on foot.

They arrived at the church as they were panting, "Come on, climb." Cole tells her and she did so, they climb up the church onto the church bell and they step onto the roof and saw that the Militia was already waiting for them as was the disco light. "Cole and Cassandra MacGrath... Your interference has complicated my plans. But no longer. You'll never be able to get through my shield!" a mysterious man's voice calls out to them, then the Militia fires at them and Cassandra pulls up the shield, blocking their attack, Cole leans out from behind her and threw stick bombs at them, blowing half of the ambush up, "Back! Back!" Cole tells her and they were running back behind the tower and were panting, "Okay, Militia are here to kill us, that disco ball wants us dead and we have no idea where the generator is." Cole simplifies their situation, Cassandra exhales and she looks at the generator next to them, "Could it be this?" she asks him, he looks at her then at the generator, "Possibly, we have to blow it up." he informs her and she nods at him but was suddenly sent flying back and smack against the roof. "Cassie!" Cole calls out to her as she rolls onto her side and coughs up lead from the shotgun wound in her chest, "Son of a bitch!" she cries out, then Cole looks and saw that a shotgun man and he sent him flying off the roof then steps back and threw a bomb at it, blowing up the generator. Cassandra pulls herself up and takes some electricity to heal up. "ARRRGGGHHH! My Shield!" the mysterious man calls out then the two-step out and look at the disco, "You did it, brother! Way a go!" Zeke calls out to them, the two high fived. "Check it out the disco ball! It's about to explode." Zeke warns them.

Cole and Cassandra moved back and took cover then peek out and there wasn't a kaboom the disco just separated and left, "The the fuck?" Cassandra mutters as Cole shook his head, they both looked at each other and shrugs, deciding to not think about it and sat down, "Well... that was... strange." Cassandra states, Cole nods at her, "But we saved a bunch of people." she states and Cole nods at her again, then she stood up and dust herself off, "Let go before more of its friends show up for round 2." she states with a stretch, Cole chuckles then pulls himself up and stretches as well, "Alright, lets move." he states, but Cassandra looks up and saw a carrier bird, she climbs up the side of the tower, jumps out, gripping the bird tightly and lands on her feet. She then pets the bird, then took the input off and lets it fly away.

Cole ran up to her as she offers it to him, he took it, placing it on his phone and then presses play.

"Audio surveillance of Agent John White file D045." "I have had new. I've been promoted. I'm working directly with Kessler now." "You Certainly made a meteoric rise through the ranks!" "I'm suspicious. Maybe Kessler knows I'm with the NSA." What? No, he would have killed you." "Maybe. Kessler says you're going to deliver the Ray Sphere to Empire City immediately, what does that mean?" "He steps up the timeline. Well, we can't give it to him. It's time to end this. Tell Director Houston I'm ready for extraction." "Forget it. We're still building a case against the First Sons. We won't tip our hands until we gathered enough evidence to bring down the whole organization. Until then, you stay where you are... and send over the Sphere."

Cole stops the recording and he looks at Cassandra, "Wolfe wanted to stop Kessler before the explosion, but John wanted to collect more information and denied Wolfe extraction." Cassandra sums up. Cole nods at her and they both exchanged looks "Let's move." he states, she nods at him and took then the two ran to the edge of the roof and jumps right off.

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