Chapter 4: Lost and Found

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Chapter 4: Lost and Found

Cole and Cassandra Macgrath walk down the street, then Cole answers his phone, "Heads up, brother, just spotted some cops poking around." Zeke warns them, Cassandra looks ahead and saw the cops, she then took Cole's arm and pulls him into the alley, where they were out of sight. "With all the ruckus you and Cass have been causing they might be looking for you. But think hard before you jump these guys. We need to make allies not lose them." Zeke warns them. Then hug up, Cole then looks at Cassandra and she shook her head.

He nods and they both ran through the alley, avoiding conflict with the cops, "I'm tracking down the guys that took Wolfe, but it's going to take a while." Kuo informs them as they came out of the alley and back onto the street. And started to walk down the sidewalk. "In the meantime, Cole, I think you should salvage some fallout from Wolfe's lab. We want to get it before the Militia." Kuo informs them. Cole looks at Cassandra and they both took off into the other direction and ran down the street.


Climb up onto a roof and were looking over at the roundabout, "I spotted one of Wolfe's carrier pigeons up near the top of the Clock Tower. I need you to get it." Kuo orders them, "Sure, but, um... why?" Cole asks her as they started to move, "Well when Wolfe was undercover with the First Sons, he used messenger birds to smuggle reports to his NSA contact. Which was me." Kuo informs him, "So he's not like your significantly older boyfriend or something like that?" Cole asks her and Cassandra stops and looks at him, 'Really?' she mouths and he shrugs at her.

"I think the term you're looking for is father figure." Kuo restates for him, and Cassandra shook her head as she rolls her eyes. "Hey, it's cool. I'm not going to judge you," he states then hung up. The two ran over the roofs and climb up to the Clock Tower and pulls themselves onto the side and saw the pegon take off, but Cassandra jumps out, uses her thrusters and reaches out and grips a hold of the bird. "Gotcha!" she mutters and then falls back onto the ground and lands on her feet. Cole lets go and fall down onto the ground and ran over to her.

"It's okay, it's okay." she tells it as it struggles in her hands, but she reaches for the neck and took the recording, "There." she said taking the recording from the pigeon's neck, "Good, now there should be a thumb drive, attached to the collar. Plug it into your phone, I've sent bot you and Cassandra the encryption key." Kuo informs them as Cole walks right up to her "There you go." she tells it and it flew off, Cole jumps down and lands right next to her, "Here." she said and offers the stick to Cole, he smiles at her, takes the stick and pats her head. She smiles with a giggle, then he plugs it into his phone.

"Agent Kuo. I feel quite confident that only you will be able to decode these messages, and that they'll prove to be invaluable evidence in your case against the First Sons. The world needs to learn what's happened. Efforts must begin immediately to repair the damage to the Ray Sphere. Damage for which I am ultimate to blame. Share these recordings with your contact in Empire City, time is short."

The recording stops and the two look at each other, "It's a good start. I saw a whole flock of those birds escape from Wolfe's lab after it blew." Kuo informs them, "Alright, we'll keep an eye out." Cole informs her as the two started to walk, "Yeah. Oh, while you're at it, I spotted some Rayacite fragments near the tower." Kuo informs them, "Raya-what?" Cole asks her, Cassandra sighs, "Raysphere. Blast Shards. New powers." she simplifies for him, and he nods as he got it. "You know, the chucks of Earth irradiated during Ray Sphere testing. Wolfe seems to think you would know what to do with them." Kuo breaks down the word. "Yeah, Cassie already informs them, we call them blast shards." Cole informs her, then he hung up, "Alright, lets split up and find a blast shard, you look for one and I'll look for one as well, keep your phone on if you run into trouble." Cole informs Cassandra, she nods at him and they both split up. Cole ran back at the clock tower as Cassandra ran to the buildings and started to climb along the side and then spotted a shard right in front of her, she jumps along the side and jumps right at and it became absorbed into her body.

Cassandra exhales as she felt the power surge inside her body, she laughs little, then her phone beeps, snapping her out of happy state and turns her phone on, "What the hell just happened, Cole?!" Kuo questions the older MacGrath, startling Cassandra a little. "Mine and Cassie body absorbs their energy. A couple more blast shards and we'll be ready to store more power." Cole informs her, "Well those things could anywhere. Wolfe's collections went sky high when the lab blew." Kuo informs them. "Well, it's a good thing we can sense them," Cassandra adds into the conversation. "It's alright, we'll find them. Hey, listen, in that recording. Wolfe mentioned you had a contacted in up in Empire City." Cole states as they both pulled themselves onto the roof, "You both knew him actually. His name was John White." Kuo informs them, they both froze and looked at each other. "No way." Cole mutters, "Shut up." Cole said as well, "The USA had a vague idea about what Conduits were. They scanned every signal field agent, and both John and I had the gene. We were logical choices to infiltrate the First Sons, so he was assigned to Empire City, and I got New Marais. We worked together to maintain our covers." Kou into them as they were collecting Blast Shards. "What did John tell you about us?" Cole asks her.

They heard her sigh on the line, "After the blast, his reports got a little sketchy. It all got a little hard to believe, now that I've seen you and the Beast..." she states and Cole chuckles a little. "Yeah, it's taken a turn for the strange alright," Cole states, Cassie giggles as she tossed him a shard. He catches it and absorbs it into his body. Then Zeke calls and Cassie answers her phone, "What's up Zeke?" she asks him, "Hey, uh, remember back when we came here the first time, and I got involved with, uh, ah some unsavory characters?" Zeke asks, Cassie looks at Cole as he sighs with a facepalm, "Yeah, yeah a little penicillin, it all cleared right up." Cole informs him. "Well, now it's your turn. Couple of them still had my number, they're looking for some help from "The Electric-Man" and "The Electric-Fox". Zeke informs them and Cole groans, "Oh God." he mutters. "I guess you're still famous pal. Even in the ass end of the south." Zeke states then hung up. Cassie looks out at him as Cole just shook his head, then they head gunfire and ran to the edge of the room, they looked down into the alley parking lot and saw the deivents firing at the police, they then jumped down and fired at the crooks, Cassandra pulls out her whip and crack off her electricity at them knocking them off their feet, she cracks her whip and it wraps around her waist and Cole ran to them, restraining them, they then turned to the police as they men had their guns aimed at them.

But Cassandra just smiles at them and waves, this catches them off guard and the two took off, climbing back onto the roof and they were gone, "Nice work you two." Kuo tells them, then they stop as a carrier bird flew over them, Cassandra ran for it, climbing up the tower then jumps out, grabbing the bird and she lands on the ground. She took the chip out and lets the bird go, then Cole ran up to her, she gave him the chip and he places it on his phone, playing back the recording.

"Audio surveillance X04. Meeting with NSA Agent John White and Lucy Kuo: "Are you there John?" "Go ahead." "Now that you're infiltrated the First Sons in Empire City, it's time I introduce you to my contact in New Maris. John White, meet Sebastian Wolfe." "Wolfe? That's the secret asset you've been protecting? That's...hell, he's responsible for half the stuff we're here to investigate." Whoa, easy..." "It's all right." "Wolfe is risking his life to help us." "We're all at risk. The NSA has selected both of you for this assignment because you carry the Conduit gene. It made you highly desirable to the First Sons, but that doesn't give you carte blanche. They watch their new initiates very, very closely. They have no qualms about killing you."

Cole turns the recording off and Cassandra looks at him, "Don't worry, we'll stop the beast." he tells her, she smiles and nods at him and the two spit up.


God I wish I had Infamous 2, this would be so much easier TTnTT

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