Chapter 14: Wolfe Search

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Chapter 14: Wolfe Search

Cole leans over the roof, looking down at the Casino as Cassie was on on the roof of the Casino, they both paged their phone and informs Kuo, "Alright, Cassie and I are in position above the Casino. Let us know when our guy's on the move." Cole informs her. Kuo just sighs on the line, "Might be a while. He's still doing pretty good at the table." Kuo informs him, "God is all this guy do is gamble?" Cassie questions and Cole sigh, "Yeah, it even becomes an addiction." he informs her and Cassie shivers a little, "Then I hope to god I don't gamble." she mutters and Cole smiles a little.

Cassie then sat down and leans over her legs and just waited, Cole sat down as well and he props his hand behind him, leaning against his as the rest is another arm on his knee and they waited.

3 hours later...

Cassie was bored out of her mind, so she played with her hair a little she looks over at Cole as he was still looking at the Casino. She huffs at him, "How are you not bored?" she questions him and he just smiles, "Come easily when you're older. You understand the would patience a little." he answers her but she just sighs and leans against her legs, looking down at feet, swinging them back and forth. But then, she spotted someone looking paranoid as they open the door of the Casino, making her head shot up. "Okay, he's on the move. Stay out of sight." Kuo informs them as their eyes were trained on the man.

Cole looks at Cassie, she nods at him, then she stood up, ran over and jumps over to the next roof, Cole stood up as well and he jumps onto the power-line, grinding over and followed after her, she looks down, trailing the man. "Once we find where they're keeping Wolfe, how are we gonna get him out?" Cole asks her as they hid from the light that shines up near them. "I have "appropriated" one of the Militia's trucks." she answers him and this makes the two smirk, "Agent Kuo, isn't stealing cars illegal?" Kuo teases her, making Cassie giggled as they hurried after the man. "Section 150 of the Federal Code stipulates that a law enforcement officer is authorized to commandeer a civilian's vehicle in order to catch a suspect, escapee, or prevent a crime." she informs them, the two dropped to the lower roof and laughed a little, "Penal Code" Cole laughs a little.

Cassie giggles as they jump onto a power-line and grind up to a roof and lands on it, then they followed him across the street and down the road that was next to the river, they then stop on a room as the interrogator stops as a house that was next to the small neighborhood. "The interrogator's heading into the tan house on 8th street." Cole informs Kuo as Cassie looks around to see if she could find a way in and out, "Oh, getting there won't be easy, the Militia set up roadblocks along the canoe." Kuo informs him, Cole exhales and looks at Cassie as she looks up at him, "Okay. You head in and get Wolfe. we'll break the roadblocks." Cole informs her. "Okay, work fast." Kuo tells him and he hung up, then Cassie stood up and they look over at the roadblock ahead, you ready." he tells her, she just smiles at him and held up her head as electricity crack between her fingers. "Then let's go," he tells her, they both jump over to the next roof and they fired at the Militia, they of course fire back at them, but the two proved to be better and stronger than them, so they took them out with no sweat.

Cole pants as he looks down at the men and the cleared road, "First roadblock's clear. We're heading for the second." Cole informs her and they ran down the street, "Good. I'm almost at the house. Now this is going to move fast, Cole, Cassandra, be ready." she informs him, but as they ran something was making stuff fly out of nowhere, the two slowed down and watched it, "Okay..." Cole mutters as he looks as Cassie and she just shrugs at him. They make a turn and saw that the Militia were already dead, so they used shockwaves and pushed the cars out of the way, but the ground quakes again, making them stumble a little, but they look and saw that something pops right out of the ground. It was one of those mutants monsters, he growls at them, barrels in the ground and then shot right out of the ground, it glares right at Cassie and Cole. Then it charges at them and they flip right out of the way. "Ugh, I knew it! Hey Man, we hate the Militia too!" Cole shouts at him, Cassie then fires at it and dodges it's charge, "Climb high!" she shouts at him, Cole nods at her and he climbs the lamp post as Cassie pulls herself up onto the house roof. They both turned and looked at the thing that was on the ground, then they threw shock bombs at it, hitting it's weak point, under the belly, so they started to throw shock bombs at the underbelly and the reaver, it cries and moans in pain.

But then it spat out poison spats, "Whoa!" Cassie shouts as she flips back and Cole jumps up on top of the pole, they both miss the poison by inches then they return to throwing shock bombs right at it. Then it finally lets out a whimper and went limp on the ground, dead. The two exhaled and they looked down at it, then they drop down and walk up to it, "Big ass, filthy, mole monsters. For once we are not the biggest freaks in town." Cole states Cassie nod at him with a 'no duh.' look on her face. "Then her phone went off and she answers it, "Cole, Cassandra. I got Wolfe, we're moving for the truck." Kuo informs them, "See you there." Cole informs her and they ran back, "You're going to wanna hurry. I think we tripped an alarm on the way out." she informs him, the two exchanged looks and hurried faster.

They ran down the alleyway and make it back to the truck, "Hurry, jump in the back!" Kuo shouts at them and they both jump onto the bed of the truck. Cole leans in through the back window and looks at Wolfe. Cassie walks over behind him and peers in as well. "Dr. Wolfe, glad to see you're still in one piece." Cole tells him as Wolfe looks behind him, looking at Cole and Cassandra as she waves at him Wolfe exhales and nods at him "More or less. Bertrand's interrogation methods can be quite... creative." he informs him then Cassie leans in too, "Creative how?" she asks him and then Kuo looks up at him. "He tortured you? What did you tell them?" she asks him. "Hey, we need to go. Plenty of time to talk later." Cole informs them then signals Cassie to move, she did so and moves back as Cole pulls himself out as well.

Kuo then started the truck and she drove down the road, but as she turns a semi truck moves comes up behind them and fires RPGs at them, "Seriously?!" Cassie questions and she sent the rocket back at them, "Stealing from the Militia. that's a hanging offense in New Marais." Bertrand's voice echos off the speakers.

The two just look at the truck, "Bertrand?" they both question, "Keep him away from us!" Kuo shouts at them and the two fire away, Cole focused behind them as Cassie focused in front of them, she threw grenades, on the balconies and Cole threw grenades into the trucks blowing them up. She then reaches the roundabout and they send back the rockets, killing the Militiamen on the trucks, Cassie even took out a few of the men of the trucks as well, then Kuo drove down the road and then makes a turn next to the Canoe.

Cole exhales as he recharges himself then looks back at the front, "Okay Wolfe, they just put a lot of effort into making you dead. What is it they don't want you talking about?" Cole questions him as Cassie three out more of the grenades at the trucks that were following them, making them explode. "Bertrand had funded me to make something for him, a device that would solve both our problems. The blast shards were just the start." Wolfe answers him and Cassie recharges herself. But as the swerved a little, Cassie stumbles and turns forward as well, then leans over the hood at the semi, that was heading straight for them. "We will not allow Wolfe to play for the other team!" Bertrand shouts at them. Cassie just gasped as she knew what was going to happen. "LOOK OUT!" she shouts, pointing forward. But it was already too late.

The truck smacks against the front of the semi, it tilts as it went forward, flying off the road, Kuo and Wolfe were jerked back and then forward, Cole and Cassie went flying off the bed of the truck, it took a nose dive onto the into the wet sands and exploded.

The Pain of Impact.

God, it was like a small death.

Couldn't do a damn thing as the Militia drag, Kuo, away, but at least she was alive.

Wolfe... he was gone... and without him to guild me and Cassie, I won't be far behind.

Cassie was able to regain most of her strength to drag me away from the prying eyes of the Militia and into the storm drain, but still, even for her, it was still a trail.

That thing from Empire City, we can feel it. It's coming for us.

Now we go no way to fighting back.

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