Chapter 20: Storm's Coming

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Chapter 20: Storm's Coming

Cole and Cassie ran across the room, jumping onto power-lines and then surface along them, they came to the park, then glides down onto a roof, stops for a moment and stretches. "Okay, I'll admit it, we need a place to crash," he said to her, she giggles and they jump onto the power-line surface up it then jumps and lands on the roof. But the look around with a smile on their faces, a few crates used as seats, a couch, table, refrigerator, a T.V and a few lights. "Looks just like home," Cole states as Cassie just smiles. "Cole? Cassie?" Zeke calls out and the turn to him as he steps out, wearing one of the Militia's uniforms. "Get your hands you deviant subhuman homospain." he jokes with his finger gun pointed at them.

Cassie arches her eyebrow at him as he held his arms up to them, "You joined the Militia?" Cole asks him as Zeke spins around. "Nah, it's more like a Zeke Dumbar: Double Agent," he states as he took the pose. Cassie crosses her arms as the exchanged looks. "You get it. I'm a spy!" he tells them. "For our side, right?" they both ask him. "Oh, ye of little faith." Zeke states and the two shrugs, "Faith can be shaken, like last time." Cassie informs him. Zeke rubs his neck as Cassie still held him accounted for shooting her. "Thought that was water under the bridge." he asks her, she exhales and walks past him, "Come on, guys. You ready for those blast cores?" he asks them walking past Zeke, Cole exhales and pulls out the two cores, tossed one to Cassie, she caught it and then Cole looks at Zeke. "Better not wake up in a Militia cage," he warns him. "Come on ma, I got your backs," Zeke assures him. Then he locks eyes with Cassie, "See you on the other side." she said to him and he nods, "Right back at ya." he said too and they started to drain their cores.

The two grunted as power flowed into them, then they were raised off the floor, Cole's arms and legs were pulled apart as he spun in a circle. Cassie's back hunches backward as her head was reeled back and her arms were pulled apart as her eyes grew bright. Then the light show was over and they smack against the ground, past out cold as electricity sparked off their bodies.


Absorb the energy of 5 more blast cores to use the RFI

The Beast is 1067 miles from New Marais

Cole groans as he opens his eyes, "Oh, man." he mutters, rolling on his side as Cassie moans in pain, fluttering her eyes open as she too rolls on her side as well. They then pulled themselves back on their feet and saw they were still on the roof. Then Zeke came back and ran to them, "Whew, glad you're awake. There are some idiots down there shooting up anything that moves." Zeke informs them as the two stretches their sore muscles. "We'll take care of them. It'll give us a chance to see if you got anything new." Cole informs him as Cassie rotates her neck, cracking it a little.

Then they jump down into the park and looked at the Militia that was there, but they raised their hands and fired at them. Taking them out one by one. Once they were down Cassie notices on two of them there was a strange glow, just like on the Blast Shards and Cores. "Man, do you see that? There's a weird sort of glow one those two guys? Did you do that?" Zeke asks through their phone, they two walk up to them and collected the power from them. A surge flowed through them and it felt good. "No, no. but we feel it. It's, it's uh... Ray Field energy." Cole informs him. "Those guys must have been around when they were testing the Sphere or something," Zeke informs him and the two ran to find an empty or abandoned area, they ran to the swamps where no one will go and the tested out their new powers. They both spin and unleashed two vortexes, they were in awe. "No, way." they both mutters as their jaws hit the ground. "Damn, guys! You gotta get more of whatever those guys had on them." Zeke tells them as he was amazed. "Hell yes." "Hell to the yes." Cole and Cassie answered him and then they high-fived each other.

They ran out of the alley and down the street, trying to work off the energy that the vortex gave them, all the excitement of getting a new power. Then Cassie phone rings, making them stop and then walk over to the sidewalk and she answers it, "You might wanna come on back, I just got some good news. That, and I just meet your pal from the swamps. Well, she disappeared again, now she's here again... it's confusing." he tells her, Cassie hung up and they both jump onto the cab train and it drove down the road.

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