Task Two: Scores and Rankings

56 3 0

As Royale, Tajana, and Ceto have been kind enough to die horribly this round, nobody will be going up for votes! The rankings have been adjusted accordingly.

Sam Michelson: 12.5

Danny Michelson: 13

Jennifer Mizushima: 12

Tajana Morrigan: ELIMINATED

Bianca Colombo: 12.5

Holly Newman: 0

Enrique Rivera: 0


Elliot Baris: 0

Adrian Lovett: 11.75

Augustus Menenzes: 0

Royale Dio Du Sainte-Germaine Champs-Elysees: ELIMINATED

MJ Williams: 12.75

Willow Zheng: 13.25

Arnold Brown: 9.5 (-1)

Markus Fleur: 0



1. Willow Zheng- 26

2. Danny Michelson- 25.75

3. MJ Williams- 25.25

4. Sam Michelson- 25

5. Bianca Colombo- 24.75

6. Jennifer Mizushima- 24

6. Adrian Lovett- 24

8. Arnold Brown- 19.5

9. Enrique Rivera- 13

10. Elliot Baris- 12

11. Holly Newman- 11.5

12. Markus Fleur- 10

13. Augustus Menenzes- 9.75

Task Three will be up shortly!

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