Slot Two: Danny Michelson

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Name: Daniel "Danny" Michelson (Formerly Danny Casanaro)

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: Forgettable is how most people describe him. His face is a blur in the back of the minds of everyone who's ever had the pleasure of meeting him. It's not for lack of trying or lack of good looks. His hair is dark and soft, his eyes like warm honey, but he's never been a face you wanted to remember in the morning. Everything about him, from the sharp jawline to the warm, strong body beneath, is just a reminder of your own regret. You never should have met him.

Personality: Danny has been described as a plastic bag of a person. Convenient, single-use, and disposable. All his life he's known that he'd never been the kind of boy you took home to meet your parents. He's just a pretty face you put up in a motel for the night and forgot about once the sun started peeking in. A hookup. Easy to find, even easier to get rid of. He's never been the easiest person to get along with. Danny's passion bubbles very close to the surface, but not quite as close as his bitterness, and his sharp tongue has made more than a few lovers turn away. People call him many things: a gold digger, a cheat, a scumbag— and while he will never deny the accusations, there's something in the way he holds himself a little higher each time he's reminded of it that makes you wonder if the wound runs deeper than it looks. But there's a persuasive edge to his words, something compelling in the way he strings sentences together, that draws people in. People say that this is how he found himself to be married, with golden looks and a silver tongue.


Phobia: Being alone.


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