Slot Six: Holly Newman

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Name: Holly Newman

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Appearance: Holly is short, standing at 5'2, and skinny. Her skin is slightly tanned with very few freckles or other skin blemishes. Her hair is a yellow blonde color that falls into a pixie cut that sits just above her shoulders. While she is a natural blonde, you can see the fading bits of brown at the roots of her head and she has much darker eyebrows than hair. They mainly match her roots. Holly's eyes are a light blue, green colour that can almost look grey depending on what she wears. She has defined cheekbones and jawline, giver her face a sort of angelic, but arsh look to it.

Personality: Holly is a sweet quiet girl. She's never been one to socialize with others and most of her life has kept to herself. I guess in a way she is afraid to open up to others and form real friendships as she's never been close with anyone in her life. That probably comes from her parents and the lack of nurturing there as they weren't very loving people. Holly isn't necessarily shy as such, but just struggles to connect with people. She is always polite when conversed with and friendly, she just never goes out of her way to keep in contact with people and can often end up slightly hermitting herself by never leaving the house for periods at a time. Some days are better than others for her. Holly loves animals and generally has her two dogs around her constantly, unless of course she is out somewhere where they can't be. In a way she uses them as a shield from the people around her when she is in a mood. She generally doesn't enjoy the company of others, but she can do a bit and that feeling of wanting other people around her has started to grow so she does sometimes interact with others. Mainly her older brother as they are only a year and a bit apart, so they were always close growing up.


Phobia: Snakes


Author Games: TempestWhere stories live. Discover now