Task Five: A Dry Death

81 2 5

"The wills above be done! but I would fain die a dry death."

This is a story about water.

The island, being an island, was rather familiar with water: between being battered by storms, eroded by the waves, and nourished by the various springs, the precious liquid was both ubiquitous and treacherous: trusting it had led Bianca Angelica Colombo to succumb to fever. It felt like it had known everything possible that paddled, fluked, or finned its way beneath the sparkling surface. 

Everything possible...as well as a few things whose possibility remained up for debate.

After all, an island such as this one did not avoid discovery for so long by leaving its waters unguarded.



-Your patience has been rewarded! A liferaft from the Prospero has drifted near the island-not quite to shore, mind, but close enough to get caught on a nearby reef. Very convenient if you want set off: you just have to swim out and get it.

-Funny thing about the waters around the island: they're inhabited. And, if you're catching a theme, it's not gonna be friendly.

-A strangely intelligent and aggressive sea creature is going to attack you on the way to the life raft. I'm not picky as to what it is-I trust you'll make it suitably intimidating.

The Choice: Birth, genesis, or creation?

Deadline: Saturday, December 21 at 10 PM EST

Author Games: TempestDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora