Slot Eleven: Augustus Menezes

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Name: Dr. Augustus Menezes, PhD

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Appearance: Some would call Dr. Menezes conventionally attractive. He's tall and dark, a little above six feet with broad shoulders and a square jaw. He doesn't look tired in his forties, but rather the opposite. Besides a few age lines on his forehead, there isn't any sign of his age catching up to him, and he's been doing well for himself appearance-wise. His hair is usually combed, not a strand out of place unless in a rush to a last-minute business meeting and he's clean-cut, always freshly shaved and ready to start the day. His eyes are a dark brown, void of anything resembling emotion but don't worry, that's why he wears an expensive suit to distract you.

Personality: An engineer and entrepreneur, Dr. Menezes has warmblood but a cold heart. He's made a fortune off of Aliquis Lingua, a universal translator that can translate any language on the fly, and even learn unknown ones. Although Aliquis Lingua has yet to hit the public marketplace, it's been predicted to be a huge commercial success, making Dr. Menezes rich in just about everything. He's intelligent, creative, driven—although success has made him arrogant and there's no doubt he's forgotten his humble beginnings. A failing marriage has left him bitter and insensitive to criticism, always irritated and impatient with those around him. He can put on a show of charm and charisma when he wants to, but these days he worries everyone around him is stupid so he hardly bothers unless there's something to be gained. He has a soft spot for those that remind him of his two sons, though there's something to be said about the irony in that as his oldest currently wishes he was dead and his youngest hasn't yet decided whether to love or to hate him.

Crew or Passenger: Passenger

One Phobia: America becoming a socialist country.


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