Task One: Command These Elements

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"You are a counsellor; if you can command these elements to silence, and work the peace of the present, we will not hand a rope more."

This is a story about You.

You never gave the cruise much consideration; for you it was just a job, or a somewhat overpriced and underwhelming ship with questionable choices of alcohol. After all, your reasons are your own for joining it, and what You were looking to get out of it was no one else's business. After all, this is a story about You. The story about Them comes later, if it comes at all.

Regardless of your reasons, however, You find yourself on the deck of a ship. The ocean breeze is delicious in the oncoming evening. The waves are deep blue fading to black, scintillating in the fading light of the sun.

For a moment, You convince yourself that everything is perfect.

Then, the wind changes and it very abruptly isn't.



-Welcome to Author Games: Tempest! As is traditional, your first task is going to be a little flexible. Allow me to clarify:

-The Prospero is going to leave port in Miami, Florida. It will sail south on an intended tour of the Caribbean Sea. However, little does anyone know that a sudden storm is brewing directly in its path.

-This powerful tempest will hit a mere day into the journey, blowing the ship far off-course and severely damaging it in the process.

-Your entry must take place in the 48 hour period that begins the day before the Prospero sets sail and ends with the storm striking. Naturally, you don't need to write about the entire time (unless that's part of your master plan) but it has to happen in this timeframe.

-Other than that? Go nuts. This will be my first real introduction to your character, and you know what they say about first impressions.

The Choice: For your first choice: Sky, sea, or soil?

Due Date: Saturday, November 9 at 10 PM EST

Author Games: TempestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora